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I would trust Meyer. They know what they are doing. There is a reason they are such a successful business. You have to remember a lot of the transporting is done by flying. A lot of transporting is done overnight as well.
Isn't it a little too hot to be shipping birds in the mail?
I agree.. it's got to be 100 degrees today in NE Pennsylvania- and we're on top of a mountain! It was so warm that I took all of my newly hatched baby geese and ducks swimming, and as soon as they got out of the water they were completely dry (after being totally soaked).
I do think the chick shipping trucks are equipped with AC, though. They wouldn't just throw thousands of chicks in the back of a sweltering truck- or else all of the people purchasing chicks would receive toasted surprises at the post office! That wouldn't be good for business lol

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GOOD JOB. What an outstanding accomplishment
I just signed in to say that I have chosen my breeds, and hatchery, but need help deciding on a number. I chose Meyer because it is a short trip for the chicks, and I hate the idea of ordering from some hatchery in California. I might even drive out to get them. The price is great even with shipping.
So? With 10 chicks and 15 chicks being the same price (within $.90) do I order 10, and keep my coop as is, or 15, and start building (and ordering even MORE chicks!)?
Polk is only an hours drive from me... yippee! We need some more girls & guys, especially a new guy. Hoping I can convince the DH to go down there though, he isn't too thrilled about getting more chicks at this time. Maybe (hopefully) they'll have some older ones available too

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