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Thanks to problems with their website, I missed out on the breeds I wanted. I finally made an order for fifteen arriving next week. They are out of one breed until August, and one until October. Now the question is do I place another order or wait until spring? I am going for spring. We will see!
Thanks to problems with their website, I missed out on the breeds I wanted. I finally made an order for fifteen arriving next week. They are out of one breed until August, and one until October. Now the question is do I place another order or wait until spring? I am going for spring. We will see!
Did you try to place an order during the big power failure a couple weeks ago? We had some big storms come through and millions of folks were without electricity.

I've been pleased with the service I've received from them and they have been very patient with my order (which I modified once over the phone), so I'd recommend them.

And, when I went to pick up the chicks, they also had a box with some free kittens, so instead of a "meal maker" we got a free kitten with our order.
I placed an order for their production pack for the July 9th hatch to take advantage of the free shipping. I picked up my chicks from the post office this morning at 6am. All 26 chicks were doing great and went right to eating and drinking as soon as I put them into the brooder.

On the website, they state that the production pack will contain at least three breeds out of Golden Buff, Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Black Australorp. Being new to chickens, I'm not real sure what I got. To me it looks like I got five different breeds. I guess I'll find out as they grow up.
I placed an order for their production pack for the July 9th hatch to take advantage of the free shipping. I picked up my chicks from the post office this morning at 6am. All 26 chicks were doing great and went right to eating and drinking as soon as I put them into the brooder.

On the website, they state that the production pack will contain at least three breeds out of Golden Buff, Barred Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, and Black Australorp. Being new to chickens, I'm not real sure what I got. To me it looks like I got five different breeds. I guess I'll find out as they grow up.

Here is a picture of my chicks.

I just received my order from Meyer on Monday, 10 healthy girls who ate and drank immediately, and still happy and appearing robust and healthy. I was so happy to see this post with the article about Meyer's start. Lovely stuff! Wish I could buy more.

Thanks for posting!
Im a teen with 36 Chickens (So Far!) And i want to make my own hatchery when i get older. And reading what Meyer didl. Gives me even more motivation and helps me out on what i need to do to make my own hatchery.
You Go Jake!

The world is your oyster, if you want it, work hard, be honest, and don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do it!

Good Luck!
Here is a picture of my chicks.

Looks as if you got all four breeds mentioned. I ordered these 4 breeds, and also 2 Columbian Wyandotts from Meyer. Going by the photo, I count 13 RIR, 4 Barred Rock, 4 Black Austrolorp, and 3 maybe 4 Golden Buff. Good Luck with your new girls!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Meyer Hatchery !! I bought all of my chickens there as day old peeps except my recent purchase of
a Delaware hen. They are kind, knowledgeable, patient, and very helpful !! The woman who took my very first order in
2010 was nice enough to share in my excitement. I would recommend Meyer Hatchery to everyone !

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