How to get chicks to come to me?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
I have three new baby chicks. They are about three to four weeks old. Is it to soon to expect them to start coming to me when called? I'm trying to train them with meal worm bits and I'm not having much luck. Are they to young?
I'm not sure about the right age to expect anything ... Mine are three weeks tomorrow and come like mad when I call "chiiiickens! Chickie chick chickie!!!" They don't give a crap about me per say but they are all enthusiasm for mamas specially formulated oat mash :)
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Food and repetition. That's your answer right there. I give mine all our scraps and they know it. Pick a call you want to use all the time and bring scraps. They will learn that call means good things and come running. When I step out and hollar "here chicky chicks" all you see is black jersey giants trying to fly their big ol butts across the yard.
Food and repetition. That's your answer right there. I give mine all our scraps and they know it. Pick a call you want to use all the time and bring scraps. They will learn that call means good things and come running. When I step out and hollar "here chicky chicks" all you see is black jersey giants trying to fly their big ol butts across the yard.

X2 - it's at the point now that when they hear the chain rattle on the pasture gate closest to the house (their coop and favorite stomping grounds, aka the woods, are at the far end of the pasture) I'll see their heads start to peek through the break of the bushes and once they see it's me they make the mad dash to meet me. My daughter laughs when I go out to bring them into the run at the end of their evening ranging time because I'll go out, get their attention and then start walking back to the run with a string of chickens following behind like a mama duck and her ducklings -- they all know once they are all in the run they get an evening "snack" (which is often nothing more than a plate of poultry crumble - but because it's on the plate and not in the feeder it is a "treat" to them). We like to hang out too. One of our favorite things to do (the chickens and I) is when I get home from work I go out and let them out of the run and then we all go hang out in "our spot" where I have a chair in the woods and they spend time doing the scratch and peck thing and alternately coming up to sit on my lap or shoulder or demand a scratch.
And if you don't want to use scraps. A container of night walkers is always a good time. Hahaha I love it, regular feed on a fancy plate! I do that too.
Are they outside or still in a brooder? If they're in a brooder, try and move them to a place where you can sit with them. The hovering can make them nervous.
Are they outside or still in a brooder? If they're in a brooder, try and move them to a place where you can sit with them. The hovering can make them nervous.
They are still in the brooder!

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