How to protect against hawks

So I'll have to worry about hawks getting them through the side of a chain link fence too?
If your chickens get scared and disoriented, and the hawk is quick, yes that is a small possibility, although it's more likely the chickens would run into the coop or otherwise hide.

The chain link fence makes a nice support structure and is strong. But you could consider putting smaller gauge wire over it; even bird netting zip tied on. (since your extension is to mainly prevent hawk attacks during the day, not nocturnal predators like raccoons).
The chain link will also keep neighborhood dogs out.

What kind of deer netting?
The link centerarchid posted is fine, or I got mine off of Amazon. Something like this.
You could run some 2x2's across the top of the chain link to support the poultry netting, if needed.
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I came home today to another hawk attack. 5 total kills in 2 weeks. The first two were the same day. (Birds were free ranging during the day) The next day we came home to the hawk in the run. He apparently hit the avian netting so hard he broke into the run and killed #3. We reinforced our run. Stopped free ranging. Today two more kills. He killed/pulled them through the fence somehow! I would have thought it was a different predator if I hadn't seen him with my own eyes.
Any ideas?
What is the size of the wire on your run now, that the hawk could reach through? You might have to cover it with something with a smaller gauge. If for hawks only (chickens are in a secure
coop at night), then even bird netting, as mentioned on another post in this thread.

I've never had a hawk burst through my avian/poultry netting on top, though I've seen them try. I wonder if cross supports would help bolster the netting.
I havent looked at the fencing to see how big the holes are but i know its 6 feet tall. I figure its better than nothing with hawks being around. We are going to put up some owl decoys too. Anytbing else we should do? We also got a game camera to watch predators.
I havent looked at the fencing to see how big the holes are but i know its 6 feet tall. I figure its better than nothing with hawks being around. We are going to put up some owl decoys too. Anytbing else we should do? We also got a game camera to watch predators.
Nothing other than covering the run/extended run room securely with netting, and perhaps the sides if the holes are large.
(given that @love2lope21 watched a hawk kill two chickens through the run fencing).

The won't get through smaller gauge wire or netting, or 1/2" hardware mesh.
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I'll have to wait to get something to cover the holes. Im qorried a out the chickens digging out. My brahmas are big time diggers. My run now is super secure and nothing it getting in it. Going to attach this fencing to that so they can use both runs
I'll have to wait to get something to cover the holes. Im qorried a out the chickens digging out. My brahmas are big time diggers. My run now is super secure and nothing it getting in it. Going to attach this fencing to that so they can use both runs
You could try lining the inside of the run with pavers, to keep those Brahmas from digging out, at least right along the edge. Unless they figure out how to tunnel!

Agree with beefing up the fencing!

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