I am ready to send the geese out of here!

My chinese gander is always kind of a jerk. He'll bite you if he can 'sneak' up on you.. he's not real sneaky though... During the spring and fall he's extra evil, and will come out of the pond to get you... I have to lock him up if I have company coming, or he'll trap you in your car, and eat you if you try to get out. During the winter he's nice, sort of... but he takes GOOD care of the ducks, and If I try to touch one he'll really raise hell. I feel better knowing that while they're freeranging they have a protector.
I would have to disagree on the guinea fowl not being aggressive. I had a pair last summer that had keets. My son (4 at the time) decided to go look at the new babies, and ended up having a guinea hen fly at and attack his head! They are not the nicest birds when they have babies! They might not have spurs, but they do have very sharp claws!
I would have to disagree on the guinea fowl not being aggressive. I had a pair last summer that had keets. My son (4 at the time) decided to go look at the new babies, and ended up having a guinea hen fly at and attack his head! They are not the nicest birds when they have babies! They might not have spurs, but they do have very sharp claws!

My guineas are being idiots right now to everything except humans. No, that's not true. They're being nice to their "mama" our black cochin bantam roo, Bear. They accepted Bear as their mama last year. LOL

the worst are the egyptian geese....we had a pair 2 years ago and they got out of their pen and killed one of my Sebastopol hens they they ran across the field to break into the call duck pen. They were goslings when I got them and they were raised around the other animals. They were sold 2 weeks later.
My Seb hens are very laid back and non aggressive during breeding season.
aaahhhhhh....know I understand why you keep trying to convince me to get some geese!
I've already told my husband that I wouldn't have any issues roasting a gander if he is aggressive 24/7. We've got children ranging from 3 to 9 and the last thing we would want is a 22 pound goose wanting to show them whose boss. My mom had some African geese and she told me that whenever my sister's kids went to her house for a visit, the geese would run them off. I actually laughed at this because I know my nephews are real pains in the butt and the geese probably knew that!! The geese were sweet with my mom and step-dad. They just didn't like the kids. My goslings, on the other hand, are around my children every single day. They are picked up by them and cuddled. I'm hoping that will make some kind of difference.
I had to give away my beautiful geese yesterday. I love them so much but they were set on killing my Midget white Tom who they lived with since they were tiny babies. And while I love the geese, my plan for making just a few extra bucks on this farm revolves around that Midget White and the other turkeys and I had no other safe place to separate everyone so they went to a very nice couple who plan to breed them. I will miss them but I guess it's for the best, I'll just concentrate on the birds I plan to breed because they're popular around here.
Katy.....one of these mornings you will get a phone call from the post office and there will be a box of geese waiting for you. Your husband can't say anything if you didn' t ask for them.....Hmmmm....when is your birthday?
Mrs. Turbo :

Katy.....one of these mornings you will get a phone call from the post office and there will be a box of geese waiting for you. Your husband can't say anything if you didn' t ask for them.....Hmmmm....when is your birthday?

LOL, he'd probably send me and the geese back COD!

I just realized instead of 'now', I put 'know' in my post

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