I don't want my dog anymore . . .

Suffice it to say: I feel your pain.
In reward for my rescuing of my dumb dog he killed 4 chickens. Played nice when we were around or out. I thought it was some other predator - until I caught him in the act!!!! Smart enough to hide it from us??!!!!!???? He KNEW it was wrong without ever having been corrected on the behaviour ever!!!
Now at 100 lbs I'm glad I started out by leashing him to the bed post every night short enough that he could not get up, long enough that he could lay down only. In your situation? Let your daughter medicate at will! Perhaps she screw up. Or maybe you could switch the meds in the bottle to something stronger??? For now, I 'd get a big enough cage and put myself in it at night. ICK! What a horrible nasty dog!!!! You have a right to complain!!!!
Sorry if this has been mentioned, as I don't have time to read all 7 pages today. I have my own half-grown naughty dog to walk and train today.

Can you keep your bedroom door closed during the day and crate him at night? I do that with dogs that haven't been trained not to bother things, yet. I'm still doing it with this new dog. It should also keep most of the allergens out of the bedroom and bed.
on the topic of escapees...had a yellow lab that was way bigger than folks say a lab should be because that is the way I like them!...anyways...he liked to go visiting...as a pup we lived in a place with a little fence...I strung electric fencing and thought I had him trained because I never saw him out...well...I had a Friday or something off and go outside to do something and her comes a little blonde head girl holding on to my dog's collar tellinghim that I am home and he shouldn't go visiting when I am home cuz i might want to play with him. Apparently he would go visiting while I was at work but had enough sense to come home before I did. We moved and now had a tall wood fence...problem solved...NOPE! stupid could jump it flat footed...as he got older the jump left him...so he would eat his way through. Did I mention he also went through chain-link? Put his nose into a hole and just kept going until the rest went through.
Sorry to hear your having so much trouble with your daughters dog. So many people want to judge a person right off the bat and point fingers. Since the dog started out as your daughters dog then it was her responsiblity to train him. Now that your stuck with a dog you don't want you shouldn't be getting bashed. I know we have taken in dogs many times to help somebody out when they couldn't train them or just expected the dog to already know what they wanted it to do. Of course with most of them we couldn't train it either so off to another home. Unfortunately, thats hard on an animal to get passed around form one home to another and they get mixed messages rying to figure out what their new people are trying to tell them and visa versa with the people.

If I lived away from this busy road where he could just run free and if I lived closer I would take him off your hands. He would live outside. But I can't. I sympothize with you and the dog. I hope you find him a good home that can keep him and hopefully train him to suit their lifestyle. Sounds like he needs to be with somebody with a large bed and no allergies and lots of patience.

Have you tried Craigslist? It's free to post an ad there. Good luck and don't let the bashers get to you. Some people just can't help themselves.
Yes, we are on the same page: My living room door, that would keep the dog from my bed, IF there weren't a hole in the bottom started by a visiting dog ..7 years ago, which was enlarged by this poodle eating through the hollow core, just enough that he can squeeze through. (Thus access to my bed.)

Sometimes (rather often, actually) I make the dog go through the hole rather than holding the door open for him, just because . . .
Thank you. The dog is not really up for adoption, I'm just letting off steam.

He is my daughter's dog. A mature teenager that has done quite a bit of training with poodles, our own and others. Nevertheless, this is a commitment I made WITH her. Her education is the most important, even if I have to put up with llama poop. Well, actually . . .

It turns out that it isn't llama poop. The "other" neighbors -- who are new, evil and wicked, doused the dog with Fish fertilizer. I just got clued in from my close neighbor. I'll have to think about that . . . they've come on my property before. They've only been here six months and they've made quite a bad name for themselves in our long established neighborhood.

Anyway, the dog is here to stay, but I maintain the right to moan and whine and @#$%&
Rats!! I didn't even think about that!

I'm surprised my new neighbors even know what fish fertilizer is. They are so . . . so . . . such knuckleheads! They put broken (not crushed) bricks in the shared driveway at the road. They put one garbage can in the road (on a blind curve) and one, not in their driveway, but in the shared driveway. The waste company has always picked it up at their house, but apparently these new owners, newlywed husband and wife, don't get along.

I think the new neighbors need a pond to swim in with their fish fertilizer.

(Have you ever smelled fish fertilizer?! Powerful stuff. No wonder I'm cranky.)
Have you tried kenneling him at night? Somthing big, thats strong enough that he can't chew through?

Also, not sleeping is prolly just due to lack of exercise. Though I know its sometimes hard to find time. Have you informed your daughter you want to get rid of it? Maybe she'll find someone else who will want him. Maybe you want to make her pay for obedience training since the at home way hasn't worked in your favor.

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