I got a puppy! Meet Pixel, the Mini American Shepherd.

In today's puppy news, mildly concerned she has a UTI. She's been peeing very frequently and licking at herself. I'll call the vet in the morning and see if they want to run her urine. Better safe than sorry!

We had some playtime this evening.


I hope she's okay!
Okay, I hope I'm not about to jinx myself here but, for everyone crate training a puppy, get a Snuggle Puppy. Like, for real.

They're a stuffed animal that has an insert that makes a beating heart sound and vibration, so if you put it in the crate with a puppy, it gives them comfort to feel a little like they still have a littermate with them. Especially good for young puppies who just left their mom and their littermates. The actual Snuggle Puppies even come with heat packs so you can make them warm, too.

I bought an off-brand one that's shaped like a sheep when it was on a sale. Somehow it didn't come with the heart part (lol) so that was useless. Yesterday the replacement heart came in though so I was finally able to use it.

Two nights of having it in the crate with her, two nights of putting her in there and she just settles right down and doesn't make a peep.
She is adorable! She's gonna be a lot bigger than my girl, haha.

I love English shepherds! I have a friend that has a male named Windu and he is such a good dog. She also about three years ago got a female, with intent to possibly have a litter out of them. But then covid happened and we haven't seen each other much. I'll have to ask her if she did have a litter.
Ir wasn't easy to find a breeder that does both the OFA hip testing and all the genetic testing. I really hope the breeder has enough females. She's in Wyoming. This puppy is going to save my mind and help heal my heart. I had a black Lab and a Border Collie and lost both in the same week to two different types of cancer. I still feel in shock. They were both my soulmate dogs that went everywhere with me and we adored each other. If this breeder doesn't have a pup for me, my heart will be broken again and not sure I can stand it. Fifteen years ago I had a Leo breeder back out the night before my flight to pick up a male Leonberger. She was just batshit crazy. Had sent me photos the whole way along and I had bought plane tickets and she "decides to keep him" the night before I fly out. I know there's not many people that crazy, but it's still in the back of my mind. I won't feel like the puppy is really mine till I get it home LOL
Vet visit today for possible UTI. Her urine sample did have white blood cells and red blood cells in it, so it was possible that it was a UTI. So she's on Clavamox and FortiFlora now. Otherwise, all healthy :)

She met the UPS delivery driver today! Just happened to have her out when he stopped. So I asked if he would give her a treat and say hello. He definitely did not mind playing with a puppy, haha. So that was good for her socialization.
Vet visit today for possible UTI. Her urine sample did have white blood cells and red blood cells in it, so it was possible that it was a UTI. So she's on Clavamox and FortiFlora now. Otherwise, all healthy :)

She met the UPS delivery driver today! Just happened to have her out when he stopped. So I asked if he would give her a treat and say hello. He definitely did not mind playing with a puppy, haha. So that was good for her socialization.

I am glad it's nothing serious and she is getting her meds.

:wootFor surprise socialization time! She sure is cute!
Okay, I hope I'm not about to jinx myself here but, for everyone crate training a puppy, get a Snuggle Puppy. Like, for real.

They're a stuffed animal that has an insert that makes a beating heart sound and vibration, so if you put it in the crate with a puppy, it gives them comfort to feel a little like they still have a littermate with them. Especially good for young puppies who just left their mom and their littermates. The actual Snuggle Puppies even come with heat packs so you can make them warm, too.

I bought an off-brand one that's shaped like a sheep when it was on a sale. Somehow it didn't come with the heart part (lol) so that was useless. Yesterday the replacement heart came in though so I was finally able to use it.

Two nights of having it in the crate with her, two nights of putting her in there and she just settles right down and doesn't make a peep.
We got a golden retriever puppy back on December 5th. She hated her crate and i wish we had gotten her a snuggle puppy. It was really hard teaching her to be in her kennel. Also it helps if she has an accident make sure you take her outside right away. We took our puppy out every 30 min for the first week. Then every hour for weeks 2-5 now she can hold it for 8 hours. She is 6 months old. Good luck with your puppy!!
Pixel met the Schwann's man tonight. He was great and asked if she was a Bernese mountain dog at first and I had to laugh because tiny Pixel is definitely NOT a BMD. She was very good and went out to greet him and got a treat.

Tomorrow she is coming to TSC with me to get microchipped. I'll also set her up on the counter and let her meet people and get treats from them - I work there part time so I'm allowed, haha. Gotta get her socialized with people because herding breeds can have the tendency to like their families - and no one else.
She got microchipped today!

It all went smoothly. She didn't even cry when they stuck her with the needle. Then after that we stuck around the store so she could do some socializing. I didn't want to set her on the ground in the store because of parvo concerns, but the store just added a greenhouse and no one ever takes their dogs out there, so we went out there and I let her sniff around and meet the people that came in.

Then she got a toy squirrel for being brave, came home and got her nails trimmed up because they were getting long - and sharp!

Now she's winding down for bed.


She got microchipped today!

It all went smoothly. She didn't even cry when they stuck her with the needle. Then after that we stuck around the store so she could do some socializing. I didn't want to set her on the ground in the store because of parvo concerns, but the store just added a greenhouse and no one ever takes their dogs out there, so we went out there and I let her sniff around and meet the people that came in.

Then she got a toy squirrel for being brave, came home and got her nails trimmed up because they were getting long - and sharp!

Now she's winding down for bed.


She is so cute. Our puppy is going to get microchipped soon.
Pixel had a puppy playdate today! I met a woman while I was getting her microchipped who has a 13 week old puppy, and we made plans to get them together.

It went really well! Pixel was a bit unsure at first but once they got going she was pouncing on him and having a grand old time, haha. We've decided to try to make it a weekly thing for them.

Picture of the tuckered out puppy:

pixel 11 weeks.jpg

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