illegal to buy light bulbs...

Yup. Just picked up the glass and moved on. Haven't had a problem yet (I don't think there is really that much Mercury in the least not as much as the old thermometer I accidental broke) . Where I live the closest place to dispose of the CFLs is Austin Tx so we have to through them in the trash
Looks like I'm going to have to do that as well...flourescent lighting triggers my migraines...
I plan on living at least another 40-45 yrs or so (God willing), so how many light bulbs should I stock up on???

Oh man, that royally sucks. I wonder how many other folks have that problem? My FIL gets bad headaches... has meds for them, I wonder if the lighting at work might have something to do with it... I didn't even know that was possible so thanks for the info.

Seems odd that they'd pass a law that would purposely cause people harm... the mercury thing and for those sensitive to the light... of course it's entirely possible they don't know... how many actually read the whole bill, n'mind all the research involved, before passing it through.

We're in an old house with cranky wiring... some bulbs go out way before their time... others, like the porch light and the bathroom bulbs are at least 6 years old... so I can't even look at the simple "this bulb lasts X hours" and go from there... guess I could take that number, divide by 24 and know how many days it would last if left on at all times... and then multiply by the number of days... 365... and years... and then by how many bulbs needed for the house... that's a LOT of bulbs...
True, and true. There are other countries that have alread begun to phase out most incandescent bulbs. Venezuala started in 2005, actually.
guess i am not the only one considering hoarding lighbulbs !!.....becuz of the wording..fazing out to down righ illegal to buy....??.....what will they say about the 125 & 250 watt everyone normally uses for heat lamps ??...anyways busting my butt today earning money to get to store & blow a wad of cash on stock up light bulbs ....have 3 empty bedrooms to fill....
This is cheering news to those of us who suffer light triggered migraines. Fluorescent bulbs, mirages, glare - all of these trigger my migraines and bring on Meniere's vertigo attacks. I like my Mazda (incandescent) lights.
theyre not getting rid of fluorescent lights, theyre getting rid of standard round bulbs... so you AND i am still up poo creek in regards to migraines.
why not use the LED light bulbs instead of the fluorescent ones? They last forever and use very little energy.

For heating the coop in winter I switched to using a ceramic heat emitter used for reptiles. Worked great both there and the incubator (the screw into a regular bulb socket).

Not that I am enthusiastic about being told what I can and cannot buy in the world of light bulbs, I do think the market should drive that, but there are choices out there.
the reptile cermic heaters...what kind of heat...temps do they reach ? and where would be the best affordable web sites buy these? being wayyy up north temps here can freeze adult healthy man and beast..unless chick brooders are already in a heated building of sorts...dont see any way of hatching unless i went to gas heaters of sorts....which would mean high up front cost...cost would not pay for itself for many months to years with sale of have alot of broody hens but they dont go broody on command.

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