illegal to buy light bulbs...

Wow, I just read this. If you really like the type of bulbs you have then do stock up on them. My dad, bless his heart, stocks up on everything and he saved bulbs for ten years because he received them free.

They still work! When we need a bulb we just go find the huge bag he has of them and they always work.

So... what about the brooder bulbs? Are they intending to get rid of them? I have a few bearded dragon and need heat bulbs for them too
I dislike buying products that are not made in america. But what the heck? Did they not see this coming? I hear horse and buggy sales are down too these days...Same with phone booth sales.........

It is a true true shame, but if American companies can not compete or develop modern technology anymore... Guess what happens?

X2 on the ceramic reptile heaters..

Yeah the black helicopters are going to land in your yard and then shoot out all your incandescent bulbs.
Guess I'll just stock up now on heat bulbs for the snake and brooder. It would be pretty darn funny to get "in trouble" for that some day. Maybe I can modify my son's marshmellow shooter to fire CFL bulbs at the black helicopters....maybe the threat of mercury poisoning would scare them away....
I still can't believe that there are people who don't believe climate change is real. Can you offer me real scientific references proving that it has been debunked? Didn't think so, b/c they don't exist.

heavy environmental price is being paid for the production of “green” lightbulbs in cost-cutting factories.

Large numbers of Chinese workers have been poisoned by mercury, which forms part of the compact fluorescent lightbulbs. A surge in foreign demand, set off by a European Union directive making these bulbs compulsory within three years, has also led to the reopening of mercury mines that have ruined the environment. '
The fact that so many people use incandescent lightbulbs as a source of heat is indicative of the problem with incandescent bulbs -- they're extremely inefficient. It take energy -- lots of energy -- to create heat from electricity, and we *all know* how much heat an incandescent lightbulb can generate.. So, if all we need is the light from the bulb, why do pay for that bulb to generate unnecessary heat as well? It's not just wasteful -- it's also senseless.

Just think about all those times when you've been running your A/C and a bunch of incandescent bulbs at the same're literally paying to run a bunch of little heaters to warm the air in your house, then paying to run the A/C to cool it back off -- and all you really needed was light!

So if you need heat, but not necessarily light, get something designed to make heat and not one of the ceramic heat emitters folks have mentioned. If you need light, but not heat, get a CFL and stop paying for the heat produced by an incandescent bulb. Simple.. You might even say it's just a matter of common sense..

For those of you who are concerned about flourescent lights triggering headaches and so forth, I'd suggest trying out the CFL bulbs around today...they're not the cold, blueish-white lights that flicker when they come on like they used to be when they first came out. Most CFLs designed for home use are pretty much indistinguishable from incandescents, in terms of the light they emit. If you've visited with friends, you may even have been around CFLs and not even known it.

I, for one, am happy that this is being done. Anyone can see that this country is heading downhill FAST, and folks would be hard-pressed to argue that our insatiable appetite for energy -- and all the money we each spend on it -- has nothing to do with the shape we're in today. It does. We all know it does, whether we like to admit it or not. As such, the quicker we can curb our appetite for energy, the better off we'll all be.

If it takes the proverbial "act of Congress" to make that happen, so be it.

I would LOVE to be enviromentally correct! I would LOVE to save money! I would LOVE to reduce my carbon footprint!
I am all in favor of doing this & MORE!
In fact, I DID replace all of my incandescent bulbs with cfl bulbs. That was how I found out that flourescent bulbs trigger my migraines...and being subjected to them for more than 10 or 15 minutes is all it takes. I do what I can in that the rooms I don't personally use (the kitchen--lol, j/k, that was for Joe), the main bathroom, other bedrooms, hallway, etc are cfl. The kitchen, my room/bathroom & den are all incandescent. I went all out & stocked up on cfl's when I started this mission, so I am pretty well ahead of the game now that I don't use them in ALL the rooms.
My biggest rant about this whole thing is the government TELLING me what kind of bulbs I can use & what kind I cant. WHO ARE THEY to dictate (hmmmm...have we given up democracy?) what I use in my own home? Wow, who'd a thunk it...light bulbs being illegal...maybe I'll just stock up on candles & lamp oil so I don't get arrested for illegal bulbs--cant afford to be arrested, ALL the lights in jail are flourescent!!!!!
If it comes down to an act of congress...I'll be one that fights it...
If it only takes 10-15 minutes of exposure to flourescent lighting to bring on a migraine, then how can it be that replacing the incandescents in your house with flourescents is how you figured out that you had a problem? Seems to me that you would have figured that out long ago by spending more than 10-15 mintues in the grocery store, any given office building, hospital, doctor's office, shopping mall, schoolroom, tractor supply store, dentist's chair, restaurant, etc?

Forgive me, but it seems suspect that all those places and more -- at least one of which, the average person visits on the average day -- have been using flourescent lighting for years, yet it's only when incandescent bulbs are slated to be phased out by an unpopular Congress that people begin to make the claim that they trigger migraines..

Now, I'm not sayin'.....

I'm just sayin'...

Then why not go whole hog and have Congress step in and control our heating and cooling too? Get rid of Air Conditioners, put temperature controls on our heat. Heating and cooling count for 56% of our energy use compared to the piddly amount we use on lighting.

They should tell us how many square feet we should live in. How many pots of coffee we make. How big our tv should be. How many hours our computers can be on.

-The better off we'd all be right?-

Congress should probably ban backyard chickens too. After all, it takes more energy to have them than to not... incubators, brooders, heat lamps, heated waterers, electric fences... etc...

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