I'm NEVer taking my kids anywhere ever again!

When we moved into our house, our neighbors behind us seemed to be a bit stuffy, conservative, you get the picture... (they were bowled over when I told them I was having a midwife and having my babies at home.....) ANYWAY, my oldest daughter was 4 and she and the neighbor girl from across the street were playing in the backyard on a nice summer day. I went inside for a minute to take care of the brother who was 2. Suddenly my phone is ringing and it is my neighbor asking me if I know where my daughter is; I tell her the back yard........ she proceeds to tell me there are 2 NAKED little girls playing in her cow sprinkler in her FRONT yard (which has a county highway going past it heavy with fishermen traffic...)..... I run to the backyard and all I see is the trail of clothing going around my neighbor's house...

We LOVE to remind my DD about that one! The little streaker....
Laughter really IS the best medicine! Clothes and tears will dry, laughter never has to end.

As far as the symphony tickets go, Here is my suggestion, TAKE THEM!!!! If you decide both at once is too stressful, maybe for them AND you, take turns having one parent taking ONE of them at a time, for a sort of date. Make it a special occasion for each in turn, make it a 'dress up' sort of thing. That one on one time can be a real blessing for all. Whoever stays home, gets a little one on one time with the other, and they can do something that one enjoys together as well. We both got to go to 'real' concerts or plays occasionally with one of our parents, and it was always a big deal. Our parents took us in turn to fancy things like REAL symphony concerts, plays like Hamlet, and to museums and special 'grown up' occasions. On occasion, we went as a whole family, but often that alone time was pretty special.

All that being said, the two can be seperated with parents between at the concert if need be, and parents taking children to a REAL concert with real instruments being played is a wonderful gift. At least when we were little, Bugs Bunny cartoons had actual classical music in the background, now it's animated chaos for kids.
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Unfortunately, no. We were too shook up at the time since she almost drowned. I'm wishing I would have gotten one later in her wet clothes, though.
That is a really great idea! I'll never be able to remember all these funny little stories. (I can barely remember to exchange slippers for shoes when I leave for work in the morning!)
Um, my youngest was acting up in church so DH picked him up to go have a talk in the foyer and the WHOLE WAY down the aisle he screamed over Dad's shoulder "please let me be good! I will be good!" yeah even the pastor was like, not sure if he should chuckle or what...
Oh and then theres always the "I wiped my butt mom!" at all public bathrooms...
Mrs. Turbo :

I have an embarrassing story......I use to be in the Army and ran into a girl that was in my old unit.....she is married with kids and so am I so we planned on getting together to catch up. The very first time my husband met my old army buddy and her husband was at a cookout at their house. My daughter was almost fully potty trained and I guess she really had to use the bathroom.....my husband was standing with a bunch of people talking when my daughter runs up to him and pulls her pants down and proceeds to take a crap in the yard. My husband was so embarrassed and didn't know what to do so he found 2 sticks and picked up the poo and tossed it over the fence in the neighbors yard...ROFL!!!
I love that story!

Oh my GOD!!!! That is soo funny! I'm crying right now I'm laughing so hard!!!​
That is an awesome idea! It's a lot easier to manage one kid than two who are constantly picking and bickering.
Sparkles- I'm with you on the announcements in the public restrooms. I especially love it when my three year old announces very loudly, "MOM, I have to go POOOOP!!" Sheesh!
Hen_House_Rocks! :

Saturday, my husband and I took our two little girls, ages 3 and 5 to the botanical gardens. It was our 7 year anniversary and we wanted to do something nice as a family instead of the usual anniversery dinner date.

So, we buy our tickets and and head out to the gardens. The second garden we walk into has a beautiful fountain. We ask our girls to sit in front of it so we can snap their picture. The youngest says something smart-aleky to her sister and her sister pushes her. Into the fountain. INTO THE FOUNTAIN!!!

I have never been more mortified in my life!!

Of course a black-tie event is being held in an adjacent garden so all of this occured in front of around 30 people all dressed in formal attire. As we pull our soaked three year old out who is choking and gasping from near drowning we are getting the stink eye from everyone. NO ONE offered any assistance.

My oldest daughters eyes are so wide and she starts crying and telling her sister she is sorry. She even took her sweater off to wipe Katy's face with no prompting from us. I think it really scared her!

My girls are very well mannered and 99% of the time are the sweetest, best behaved kids. But that other 1% ...... boy does it try my patience!

We bought season tickets to the symphony's family concerts this year. I'm wondering now if that was a wise decision. I can just see Katy streaking across the stage or Sylvia tripping and falling down a flight of stairs in the middle of a concert.

Sheesh. This parenting this is a challenge!
Thanks for letting me vent!

Does anyone else have any funny disasters stories of their children in public???

Unfortuanately my kids are both walking disasters but it sure isn't funny
. My son whos 6 will aggrivate his sister whos 8 to the point of her screeming at the top of her lungs "stop it leave me alone" which of course people turn to look to see whats going on.

On several occasions I've had them push each other and results are sometimes bloody noses or falling and getting hurt all happening in public (probably because they know thats where they can cause the most drama) What gets me is sometimes they can be so kind to each other without me asking and other times its as if they can't be in the same house together

I just don't understand......guess thats because I was an only child
Hen_House_Rocks! :

Sparkles- I'm with you on the announcements in the public restrooms. I especially love it when my three year old announces very loudly, "MOM, I have to go POOOOP!!" Sheesh!

Oh I know! At potluck last week after church DS#2 was sitting next to Pastor and announced that he really had to poop. Good thing pastor #1, has grandkids, and #2 DH and I were his first wedding at this church so we have bonded with him a bit, otherwise I'd have been just beyond mortification.​

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