Are your hens laying fewer eggs and you cannot explain why?

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After reading everyone's replies to this and seeing the results of the poll, i -gulp- may have overreacted a bit. I apologize to those of you who I apparently offended. I have been a little concerned about the hens not laying and then BAM - that video in my youtube feed. The lazy man's way of saying, "by Jove, I've got it!" - and off to backyardchickens dot com to 'cluck' about it. EVERYONE MUST KNOW!
But, based on the early results of the poll, I may be the only person in this entire online community that is having this problem and I use probably the same brands as the rest of you.

Again, I apologize for posting this, although I am not sorry for taking the poll. And thank you to those who contributed.
Selection bias. Its particularly strong in communities which have self organized over time, and its insidious. Lots of people whose business it is to poll professionally miss it. Thank you fo asking the questions and looking at the data.

And you aren't the only one - though just as with bad reviews of a local restaurant, few will take the time to leave a comment about how wonderful their meal was. People are about 10x (its said, I don't have that polling data...) more likely to report a bad experience than a good one. Though even that varies by community. I used to work for a major car company with a number of brands. Features and price tended to select for certain communities of drivers - the demographic of (examples) "Moderate Price, understated, sedan w/ bucket seats brand" differed markedly from the demographic of "entry level wanna-be sports car" buyers - as did their propensity to complain, and the relative seriousness of the things they complained about.
After reading everyone's replies to this and seeing the results of the poll, i -gulp- may have overreacted a bit. I apologize to those of you who I apparently offended. I have been a little concerned about the hens not laying and then BAM - that video in my youtube feed. The lazy man's way of saying, "by Jove, I've got it!" - and off to backyardchickens dot com to 'cluck' about it. EVERYONE MUST KNOW!
But, based on the early results of the poll, I may be the only person in this entire online community that is having this problem and I use probably the same brands as the rest of you.

Again, I apologize for posting this, although I am not sorry for taking the poll. And thank you to those who contributed.
Your not the only person who’s chickens aren’t laying but im sure its all due to different reasons.

You sound very kind. :hugs Hope you have a good night.
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I'm just gonna add:

Too much goat feed *can* kill chickens via copper toxicity. I hate this conspiracy because I am fearing a goat feed shortage at the time of year those of us with goats need the feed :he
I'm going out this weekend to find a goat mineral block, hard enough in a normal year...

That, or I have to go the bolus route (If I can find those!), and I REALLY don't want to. My free range goats do NOT like being handled.
I'm going out this weekend to find a goat mineral block, hard enough in a normal year...

That, or I have to go the bolus route (If I can find those!), and I REALLY don't want to. My free range goats do NOT like being handled.
I use to show 4H, and we bolus them every 4-6 months and even with dairy goats it's a nightmare. May not be aa bad if I didn't already have arthritic joints but ooof :th
I'm just gonna add:

Too much goat feed *can* kill chickens via copper toxicity. I hate this conspiracy because I am fearing a goat feed shortage at the time of year those of us with goats need the feed :he
This reminds me of some people.

One person who fed snakes dog food (claiming that they loved it because its all they ate. She didn’t offer ANY real food for them.)

And another who fed chickens horse feed and rabbits chicken food. (Then wondered why they “mysteriously” passed away)

I just don’t understand, do they think they need it or is a giant horse/chicken on the food bag not clear enough for some people?
This reminds me of some people.

One person who fed snakes dog food (claiming that they loved it because its all they ate. She didn’t offer ANY real food for them.)

And another who fed chickens horse feed and rabbits chicken food. (Then wondered why they “mysteriously” passed away)

I just don’t understand, do they think they need it or is a giant horse/chicken on the food bag not clear enough for some people?
Some people who been feeding the supposedly tainted chicken feed (personal observations they were feeding cheapest brand possible...) claim their hens begun to lay after switching to goat feed.

They didn't claim if dairy or meat. The latter is worrisome because they often add cocci wormer and stuff to that feed (stuff which will kill horses), first is just a headache because not only copper but high amount of fiber.
If only more folks were more like you. And me. I will definitely admit I'm wrong if the tests reveal problems.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Well thank you for the nice comment. And by the way, I would send you a sample of the chicken feed I most recently used (Purena Layena), but you can save your $150. This poll answered enough for me. But thank you for offering.

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