International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Not all lines, the Line I got mine from have no recessive white, but on the flip side while they do lay dark eggs, out of the two hens I only got 70 eggs last year.
You say the line you got your birds have no recessive white, how many Cocks do you
have in this line. How many generations do you have? Pictures of your cock over two
years with no white. Thank you Tom
I am using a new rooster this year. I am liking the chicks they are producing. Nice hatch down. Now to grow them out and see what they become.

I like these chics,no white on the face. They do not have the typical tuxedo white chest. Will be interested to see what the copper looks like when they grow out

Yes, not like a penguin.
The copper in my rooster is excellent with low tail but he has white underfluff and tail feather. Ugh.

There are a few with too much white on their face. Not many. If I remember correctly, too much white on the face means they are sensitive to parasitic white. They are marked and I will not keep them. I will already be fighting the white feathers in their tails and underfluff.

A couple of them have a brown spot on their heads. As I remember, Chooks Man says somewhere way back in this thread, it is a sign of purity and they are pullets.

I hatched 12 for myself and 20 to sell but I may just keep most and make selections as they grow.
I need room though.
I have it written in my notebook about purity and female. I wish I could go back and find it in this thread but it would take forever.
I should have made footnotes with page numbers!

But hearing they can be male or female, I am curious now. My hatches the last couple of years, they have ended up hens. I would love to see a cockerel turn up.
I have it written in my notebook about purity and female. I wish I could go back and find it in this thread but it would take forever.
I should have made footnotes with page numbers!

But hearing they can be male or female, I am curious now. My hatches the last couple of years, they have ended up hens. I would love to see a cockerel turn up.
Post #5467 September 30, 2017 Chooks Man wrote about the brown spot

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