International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I did not see it yet . you are alright it is a crossed beak ( super recessive genes .) but mostly is caused by deficiency of mineral  in the breeders stock .

William had it .his top part of his beak used grow so fast and cause the bottom one to move side way .
I had to trim his top part of his beak .

I don t worry about it he is not a show bird or sure but he will do magic in the correct breeding pen . I m 100% sure .

chooks man

Thanks again for your helpful comments!

I think that picture might be deceiving; I'm pretty sure his beak is okay. I'll have to grab another picture to make sure, but I think it might just be a piece of food stuck to the side of his mouth lol. I had 2 crossed beak lavender Ameraucanas this year, and they were so bad the chicks couldn't eat right. I ended up culling them because they were failing to thrive.

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Thanks again for your helpful comments!

I think that picture might be deceiving; I'm pretty sure his beak is okay. I'll have to grab another picture to make sure, but I think it might just be a piece of food stuck to the side of his mouth lol. I had 2 crossed beak lavender Ameraucanas this year, and they were so bad the chicks couldn't eat right. I ended up culling them because they were failing to thrive.


he look fine to me .no deformity .well balanced head .

he is stunning .

chooks man
thanks for the information.

I have been around but I am too tired and there are 30+ posts every morning/evening. I am busy as I have my parents visiting me and I also have some construction work around the house. I am about to make 2 new coops and runs.

the french baby is still in athens with the mother hen and the hatch mate. I might get them in about 10 days. then I will be able to get some photos.

btw, luna and marco are getting heavier and I am so glad about that. luna has a s-shape comb, I hope it will remain like that. I think her mother at that age already had a bent comb. I miss her, she was so sweet. luna, marco and mario are real pets. they all like to sit on my hands like kittens. that's why I cannot think about eating my chickens. they are wicked, they know it.

nice to know you are fine and your chooks are happy and healthy .

why did you send the French chick to Athens ,trying to make him/her a chooks politician .ha ha ha .

if I make my chooks pet I ll go broke .in no time .

I have been discussing the comb problem with a French Marans Club ,they are saying to me is accepted in the standard that the hens comb should be strait or strait at front and bent a little at the back .

French did not make they mind witch hen they like better .

my splashes have a gene of the bent comb ( not all bent just the rear .the front should be strait .

chooks man

Also glad all is well with you. Some of my pullets have beautiful combs, some are already flopped over. I noticed tonight that one of the Black Marans in the laying flock has a coronation comb. I have three Black Marans and 2 BCM with no copper in the laying flock. They lay a decent 4 egg and look pretty in the basket. I have some favorites because they have such amusing personalities.... like Gabby and the little Wheaten Ameraucana pullets.... but they are not pets. Are the hens that the French can't decide on some of yours? I guess I could go to Marans Aspirans but Google translation is so bad. Sometimes nothing makes sense. I think it translates in formal French and takes what they write literally..... all I know is they might as well be speaking Greek. LOL You know Chickengr we have a saying here. We say, "It is all Greek to me." when we don't understand something.
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nice to know you are fine and your chooks are happy and healthy .

why did you send the French chick to Athens ,trying to make him/her a chooks politician .ha ha ha .

if I make my chooks pet I ll go broke .in no time .

I have been discussing the comb problem with a French Marans Club ,they are saying to me is accepted in the standard that the hens comb should be strait or strait at front and bent a little at the back .

French did not make they mind witch hen they like better .

my splashes have a gene of the bent comb ( not all bent just the rear .the front should be strait .

chooks man
I think the chick would be better politician than the real ones, lol.

luna's mother had a comb like leghorns. I don't think it is acceptable.
Also glad all is well with you. Some of my pullets have beautiful combs, some are already flopped over. I noticed tonight that one of the Black Marans in the laying flock has a coronation comb. I have three Black Marans and 2 BCM with no copper in the laying flock. They lay a decent 4 egg and look pretty in the basket. I have some favorites because they have such amusing personalities.... like Gabby and the little Wheaten Ameraucana pullets.... but they are not pets. Are the hens that the French can't decide on some of yours? I guess I could go to Marans Aspirans but Google translation is so bad. Sometimes nothing makes sense. I think it translates in formal French and takes what they write literally..... all I know is they might as well be speaking Greek. LOL You know Chickengr we have a saying here. We say, "It is all Greek to me." when we don't understand something.

I was born and brought up in a city center and the only animals I knew were pets. although my grandparents lived in a suburb and had 1 cow, 1 pig and 10-15 chickens I treated them all as pets. they were telling me that they had sold them and bought meat to eat, lol.

I found the way with the google translate: chop the text and translate piece by piece. it is still not good translation but makes sense.

in some balkanian countries when people don't understand something they say: it is a spanish village or they are chinese letters!

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