International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP


look the way he stand sublime posture .

his strong point =
Head well strong well placed and well colored .
Neck meduim .strong and well arched .
Back is his great asset . flat ,long nicely tilted .
Tail a little longer but nice 45 degree Angle .
Body type good fit into the triangle tyoe .
Chest nice and deep .
Shoulder nice and wide .
Wings well tight held close to his body .
Feathers type exelletent free from fluff .
Legs nicely feathered and well colored .strait and well spaced .

What bad about him .
Comb = he will be no responsible to pass it down his progeny .mam will
Shoulder need more color
Lancet need more color.
Hackle has 2 type of color Red copper and a Golden hues.
Eyes need more color ( need to be mated to a hen with a gorgeous eyes)

he is exactly like my BCM rooster for this year . I sold all the good one .

chooks man
@Chooks man

I posted the guy in the profile not too long ago.

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good question .

there is 2 way to fix any recessive gene from any line . a difference is a time each method will take to correct the problem ..

Method 1 = Correcting the fault but not breeding it out .this method is used wildly by the novice chooks breeders .this one take less time and produce correct progeny but still carries the recessive gene at the random paste .( this type of hidden recessive gene is ruled by the Atavistic Return low of inheritance ).
How this method can be applied ?
1) mate the chooks with a recessive gene to another chook without the gene = progeny will carries the recessive gene but doesn t show it ( because need 2 copies ,they have only one )
2) we choose the best one and mate him/her back to the Sire/Dam without a recessive gene =progeny carries the gene at low percentage .none of them will  show it up .

we keep doing this mating. the correct progeny back to the correct sire /dam to produce the next progeny .

this population will always look correct but still carries a recessive gene at low rate and will appear when condition are alright .

 the cockerel you have now .he come from a population of chooks deriving from this Method of breeding. they carries the gene VH at the low rate .

METHOD 2 = my favorite , this one does get ready of he recessive gene 100% . and the Atavistic Return of the recessive gene does not apply on the progeny coming   out of this method .
this one is more of a true selective breeding ( all the chooks are part of the breeding program  NOT only the perfect one witch we don t have any way .)

how we proceed =
1) we mate a related progeny ( F1 XF1 . First progeny..) with a recessive gene as Fault to each other = we get a true F2  second progeny.  this population because nothing is added to it will have 25% expressing the Recessive Fault and 75% will be free from the recessive gene Fault .
2) we choose the best chooks from this . F2 second generation  .the one s without a Recessive Fault and mate them to each other ( nothing added to them ) = we ll get next generation .F3  third generation . this population of chooks will not carries the recessive Fault 100% .the Fault or the Recessive genes are bred out for good .
3) from now on we can keep them pure or out cross them to restore any other desirable trait .

So it is up to you witch METHOD you prefer .

chooks man

Excellent! Thank you for your advice! I think I like the second option best. I want to completely get rid of the VH gene.

So out of the 3 pullets I have in that group, instead of group mating them to the cockerel I will need to choose the best pullet and single mate the cockerel to her to achieve the first step of this strategy, correct?
Excellent! Thank you for your advice! I think I like the second option best. I want to completely get rid of the VH gene.

So out of the 3 pullets I have in that group, instead of group mating them to the cockerel I will need to choose the best pullet and single mate the cockerel to her to achieve the first step of this strategy, correct?

better for you if you want to work that line is to breed from all the group .( 3 pullets sisters/half sisters and they brother/half brother cockerel .

Because we don t know witch pullets is his a true sister .

If I was you ,here how I do it ;
1) I ll make the cockerel to all 3 pullets ( group mating )
2) I ll try to hatch minimum 20 chicks from each pullets = that will make it total 60 chicks minimum .as F1 all related ,does not matter from witch pullets they come from ( each one has it own specific trait ). I m trying to keep the diversity in the line.even if they come from a same parent stock .

3) I ll select the best 2 cockerels and the best 3 pullets from this F1 and I get ready of the parent stock .

4)mate the chosen one group1 cockerel F1a and get F2a = select the best cockerel and the best 3 pullets as F2a
group 2 cockerel F1b and get F2b . = select the best cockerel and a best 3 pullets as F2b.

5)mate a cockerel F2a to the F2a = and get F3a
mate the cockerel F2b to a pullets F2b = and get F3b.

by now the F3a and F3b are cousins and are ready to be out crossed to another line to add any desirable trait OR kept pure if I m happy about them .

if I m happy with them them ;
I ll mate cockerel F3a to the F3b pullets and get F4ab
I ll mate cockerel F3b to the F3a pullets and get F4ba

from now on I ll create 2 lines ab and line ba and keep them separate and work them . if one of them loses a vigor or some thing than I ll cross it to the other line to restore what has been lost.

chooks man

I m interested in this pullet . great type if not one of the best I have seen .
good mass for her age
great long flat back
great tail angle will be nice one
nice deep chest
good head and neck
nice red/brown colored hackle .
nice Wheat colored back no lacing or minimum ( great )
nice colored shanks.

my problem with her is;
grayish under fluff ( should be cream /white ).

I thought first she carries a Salmon e+ gene but a problem is =she haven t got a stapling or lacing like the salmon hen .

she will go very well with a wheaten cockerel because he have too much of the White fluff . they will balance each other .

chooks man

this 2 marans roosters are from different parents stock but they both have a same marans body type and tail. the difference is in they body colors that all .

True marans stand.

chooks man
My Claude..... Every time I see this photo it reminds me of the Kellogg's Corn Flakes Rooster!
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