International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Chooks Man,
thank you for your input! I would have kept the wrong one! Please tell me what is not right about #3 so I know what I should be looking for. 2 and 3 do both have more straw color feathers and all have some white in the fluff under their feathering. I'm hoping as they mature it will be black???
Chooks Man,
thank you for your input! I would have kept the wrong one! Please tell me what is not right about #3 so I know what I should be looking for. 2 and 3 do both have more straw color feathers and all have some white in the fluff under their feathering. I'm hoping as they mature it will be black???

number 3 he has a really bad comb at the end compared to the other 2 .

but the photos are not always true .very hard to see any thing true ( light , movement , photographer , etc.............)

better one when you have a time .

what sort of pullets you have ?

chooks man
Here are some pics of my 6 month old BCM cockerel Please critique him, be very honest. I don't want to start off with bad birds My intention is to breed so

want to be very diligent.
very hard to tell from this photos .

in some photos he look great but in other ( last 2 ) he look like he have a hump on his back ( left side )

chooks man

from this photo he looks great .
great red copper hackle and lancet .
nice long back
nice wide shoulders.
nice tail

No sign of deformity .

chooks man

from this photos .he look he has a hump on his back ,left side

Photos are very important .

I don t know your chooks so display them properly if you wish for a fair and good comment NOT critique .

chooks man
Hi Chickengr .
HERCULUS is getting better slowly . start limping on it ..

how is your chooks ? now that summer heat is past .they must be start molting?

chooks man

are you reading my mind? I wanted to ask a question about molting. I read that chickens molt at about 18 months old. mine molt younger (12-14 months). is there any problem with them?

another question: I picked up luna and noticed that she got heavier but I still feel her keel bone and there are no worms visible. I wormed all of my chickens with levamisole, and luna and a few others with panacur as well. why is she still skinny, is there any other problem with her? she looks ok, eats well and her crop is like a big ball.
Out of curiosity. Egg colour? I'm going for darker eggs. Does eat color make a difference? Also I've got pullets from 2 different groups of hens. One group was all black the other was normal colouring. Will the offspring from all black lay a darker egg? Same roo over both groups and roo was from a dark laying breeding group. Most of the pullets from the all black hens now have some copper but not as much as the others.
are you reading my mind? I wanted to ask a question about molting. I read that chickens molt at about 18 months old. mine molt younger (12-14 months). is there any problem with them?

another question: I picked up luna and noticed that she got heavier but I still feel her keel bone and there are no worms visible. I wormed all of my chickens with levamisole, and luna and a few others with panacur as well. why is she still skinny, is there any other problem with her? she looks ok, eats well and her crop is like a big ball.

Hi Chickengr ,the chooks do molt at a year old or around that age ,

at 18 month is they real molt , they will display all the genetic make up . they will put why true coat ,

Don t to worry about Luna s .you wormed them all ready .so she should be fine .

some chooks don t put weight on the heat of the summer .

I have around 70 hens ,no 2 of them weight the same , anything from 2.8KG to 4 Kg .

give them some Apple cider Vinegar . it is good for them .

chooks man

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