International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Out of curiosity. Egg colour? I'm going for darker eggs. Does eat color make a difference? Also I've got pullets from 2 different groups of hens. One group was all black the other was normal colouring. Will the offspring from all black lay a darker egg? Same roo over both groups and roo was from a dark laying breeding group. Most of the pullets from the all black hens now have some copper but not as much as the others.


Out of curiosity. Egg colour? I'm going for darker eggs. Does eat color make a difference? Also I've got pullets from 2 different groups of hens. One group was all black the other was normal colouring. Will the offspring from all black lay a darker egg? Same roo over both groups and roo was from a dark laying breeding group. Most of the pullets from the all black hens now have some copper but not as much as the others.

Eggs colors has nothing to do with a body feather type ( black or no Black ) .it is they genetic make up what matters .

to bred for the dark eggs you need a good breeding program to cover at least 5 years . because some time the eggs colors get lost in the first generation and will show up in the next generation .

to keep the eggs color darker you need to start line breeding .

NOT all the offspring will inherit the dark eggs gene ,because it is not one gene ,it is more complex than that .

chooks man
[quote name="Chooks man" url="/t/1122465/international-black-copper-marans-thread-breeding-to-the-sop/2040#post_

Eggs colors has nothing to do with a body feather type ( black or no Black ) .it is they genetic make up what matters .

to bred for the dark eggs you need a good breeding program to cover at least 5 years . because some time the eggs colors get lost in the first generation and will show up in the next generation .

to keep the eggs color darker you need to start line breeding .

NOT all the offspring will inherit the dark eggs gene ,because it is not one gene ,it is more complex than that .

chooks man
Thanks Chooks Man. All the newest chooks were from only incubating the darkest 3 doz eggs that were laid over a week. Ate the lighter ones. These are some of them
Hi Dvoice .

my mam used breed the marans chooks in the 60/70/80 in Spain and she used say to me when i was young helping her sorting the eggs to be incubated .( I used to choose just a darker ones but her she chooses differently )
If the meth of incubating only the darker eggs to have the next progeny laying all dark eggs we should all have by now hen s able to lay only the dark eggs . But that is not the case .there is some thing else involved . SHE SAY THAT TO ME IN THE 70 and we still have hens laying lighter eggs,

she used incubate from the hens ,proven to lays more of the dark eggs ( number of dark eggs by season ) NOT the hens who managed to throw one or 2 really dark eggs .

she incubate all the egg from her favorite hens ( all the eggs been lay that season dark and light ) she was alright .

the lighter eggs late in the season from a proven dark egg laying hen are better to incubate than dark egg from a no consistence hen.

genes are tricky to deal with and keep moving them forward in each generation ..

chooks man
shame I lost Herculus Today , he couldn t mak

e it .

i lost his sister 2 weeks ago .and now I lost him .

big problem .now I lost the Columbian gene .

I have to start from scratch . I see what I can do .

I ll be able to bring the colombian gene back from mixing the silver cuckoo hen with White Storm . long way .
shame I lost Herculus Today , he couldn t mak

e it .

i lost his sister 2 weeks ago .and now I lost him .

big problem .now I lost the Columbian gene .

I have to start from scratch . I see what I can do .

I ll be able to bring the colombian gene back from mixing the silver cuckoo hen with White Storm . long way .

sorry for your loss, RIP handsome guy.
shame I lost Herculus Today , he couldn t mak e it . i lost his sister 2 weeks ago .and now I lost him . big problem .now I lost the Columbian gene . I have to start from scratch . I see what I can do . I ll be able to bring the colombian gene back from mixing the silver cuckoo hen with White Storm . long way .
I feel for you Chooks Man!

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