International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

She may be getting up because she feels as if the eggs are getting too hot. I've hatched under a broody in 20 F degree weather where the mom almost never got up. And I have also hatched a batch in the middle of summer, at 100 F degree temps where mom had to constantly get up to keep her eggs from getting too hot. As long as it doesn't seem like she's abandoning the eggs I think your girl will do fine

day 2 with the real eggs and she got up to eat only. all the eggs covered nicely. I put an extra shade cloth and she should feel more comfortable in her cage.
@ marchick. Your blue pullet chick is nice. Great type and vigor.
Blue plumage is instable color can be very light like your chick or realy dark almost Black

Chooks man

Thank you, So you think it's a pullet? I was thinking pullet also. I have 6 more Marans eggs going into lockdown today. I am thinking of doing two pens. One pure Bev and the other will be a mixed pen of mostly bev with a little something else mixed in. These will be in the bev pen with a little something else mixed in. Not sure what the little something else would be. I do know where this hen came from and she has nice BCM. Three of the eggs going into lockdown are pure Bev and the other three are mixed.
Thank you, So you think it's a pullet? I was thinking pullet also. I have 6 more Marans eggs going into lockdown today. I am thinking of doing two pens. One pure Bev and the other will be a mixed pen of mostly bev with a little something else mixed in. These will be in the bev pen with a little something else mixed in. Not sure what the little something else would be. I do know where this hen came from and she has nice BCM. Three of the eggs going into lockdown are pure Bev and the other three are mixed.

sound like a good plan .

try to keep Bev marans pure as long as you can tell you establish your own line .

take not and mark all the chicks is the best way to know your chooks .

chooks man
Bev Davis made a posting on the Birchen Marans Facebook group the other day pertaining to breast features on birchens that the APA is asking for on order to accept this color into the standard; they want light silver lacing on the upper breast. Luckily for me, Jack has this.

So if you are doing Birchen Marans, light lacing on the upper breast is now a good thing.

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