International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

sound like a good plan .

try to keep Bev marans pure as long as you can tell you establish your own line .

take not and mark all the chicks is the best way to know your chooks .

chooks man

I bought a toe punch and it just came in the mail. Is two weeks old too old to toe punch? This will be the first time I have used a toe punch and kind of scared to do it and not sure how I should mark them.
@Chooks man
Thank you for your input
They aren't really chunky(I think kinda smallish) but maybe they'll fill out as they grow. I can already see a little Copper on one
I bought a toe punch and it just came in the mail. Is two weeks old too old to toe punch? This will be the first time I have used a toe punch and kind of scared to do it and not sure how I should mark them.

They aren't too old. The younger they are, the more you have to make sure they don't "heal" up. You will still need to keep an eye on them. Maybe pick it out if it tries to close up. The younger they are, more trouble I seem to have keeping them clear. I like the option, but prefer leg bands nowadays. Maybe I'm getting lazy...haha.
They aren't too old. The younger they are, the more you have to make sure they don't "heal" up. You will still need to keep an eye on them. Maybe pick it out if it tries to close up. The younger they are, more trouble I seem to have keeping them clear. I like the option, but prefer leg bands nowadays. Maybe I'm getting lazy...haha.

I have the bands with the numbers on them but they come off! I have two hens that have no bands now. I think at least one is pure Bev but I can't be 100% sure. I just want to toe punch them from now on so if the bands come off I will know for sure.

this is one of my cockerels I just hatched. this is his parents.
well I try later, now it won't update.

this is one of my cockerels I just hatched. this is his parents.
well I try later, now it won't update.
are you talking about the blue or the black .

I like the blue copper better .the black one hasn t got a pretty face .but look chunky to me and has a long backand nice short feet .

chooks man
Ive been crazy busy with work and the chickens. We are swarming with chicks of all ages so they keep me busy. I wanted to check in to update on Mud. He has nearly made a full recovery. He only lost the points on his comb, the rest just scabbed from blood. Once the scab and necrotic parts fell off he still has a decent part of his comb left. He is back in the brood pen where he belongs. His girls missed him.. when I opened the door to the coop he literally jumped out of my arms and ran into the coop. All 4 hens (3 splash and my FRF BCM) squatted to be bred and he happily obliged them. Lol

All is good again.

Also, the Mud x LA eggs I collected from before Mud got sick had a great hatch rate. Only one chick had a small amount of middle toe feathering and no excessive white. I am very pleased with them!

I will update with pics as soon as I can. Hope all is well!!

well pleased that Mud is doing welll and you are happy with your hatch

all the best

chooks man

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