International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

My first (and possibly only) BCM egg is hatching! I got 6 shipped, only 4 weren’t cracked (the fourth I sealed with nail polish so I guess it was really only 3 that weren’t cracked). I’m not sure the hatching is going well (I’ve been watching it closely) but hopefully I’ll soon have a BCM!

I can t stop at your cockerels .this one is really special . I tell you some thing no many time I have a Birchen cockerel with that lush and pure silver hackle ,covering all his shoulder . third of his back is superbly flamed .
one of his Z sex chromosome related to S is special .
tell me about him ?
this year .your cockerel is my second one of this year with that special hackle .the first one is Marans Aspirans Silver wheaten cockerel with stunning silver hackle .and the second is your this cockerel . those type of hackle they come so often .make a good use of it my friend .you have done great to achieve that .not a easy task . BRAVO
I know he has some flows but I m interested in what make him special .one in life time . if his daughter will inherit his hackle { because they only need one Z { sex chromosome } very high chance some of them will inherit that . love to that one that .

chooks man
This may seem like a foolish question, but I'll ask anyways. What color of eggs do Marans lay? I think I heard some lay dark brown and others lay another color? I might be getting them mixed up with Olive Eggers.

Marans, all varieties, are brown egg layers. To be consider a true Marans a hen or pullet must lay from #4 (just darker than a standard brown egg layer) to #9 (about the color of dark chocolate) on the Marans color scale. Marans can be crossed with a blue egg layer to create Olive Eggers.
Marans, all varieties, are brown egg layers. To be consider a true Marans a hen or pullet must lay from #4 (just darker than a standard brown egg layer) to #9 (about the color of dark chocolate) on the Marans color scale. Marans can be crossed with a blue egg layer to create Olive Eggers.
Woah, that's awesome!
love your marans. I have never seen such a beautiful rooster! Is that called silver marans or birchen? they are really gorgeous-would love to see photos of hens/pullets.
Just gorgeous.
@Chooks man
What did you mean "you don't mind your pullet has no copper hackle, do you mean because she has so many other great characteristics that you will just breed her to the right cock (one with a full hackle?) and so she still serves a purpose in your breeding pen?
love your marans. I have never seen such a beautiful rooster! Is that called silver marans or birchen? they are really gorgeous-would love to see photos of hens/pullets.
Just gorgeous.
@Chooks man
What did you mean "you don't mind your pullet has no copper hackle, do you mean because she has so many other great characteristics that you will just breed her to the right cock (one with a full hackle?) and so she still serves a purpose in your breeding pen?

There are Silver Black Marans and Silver Birchen Marans. Both are technically birchens with the only difference being that Silver Blacks should have a solid black breast whereas Silver Birchens are allowed to have silver lacing on their breasts.
love your marans. I have never seen such a beautiful rooster! Is that called silver marans or birchen? they are really gorgeous-would love to see photos of hens/pullets.
Just gorgeous.
@Chooks man
What did you mean "you don't mind your pullet has no copper hackle, do you mean because she has so many other great characteristics that you will just breed her to the right cock (one with a full hackle?) and so she still serves a purpose in your breeding pen?

yes I don t mind she hoesn t have copper on her hackle { she has a little } because she has many other traits I m after .
1- her sire is Solid Black /split Black copper .
2- want to breed her to the solid Black strain to breed out the copper hackle .
3- she has correct big body type .

if I want to breed her to BC .than a cockerel should have a lot copper on his chest .

chooks man

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