January 2017 Hatch-a-long

I'm guessing this one was malpositioned?  There didn't seem to be much extra room in this shell.  I waited a bit too long to help.  

I'm trying to see which end of the egg is which, but if the air sack is on the side thats peeled away, it doesn't look malpositioned to me. Their heads are usually craned almost upside down and its beak looks like it's in the right place. Had it pipped?
I'm guessing this one was malpositioned? There didn't seem to be much extra room in this shell. I waited a bit too long to help. :hit
If the air sack was on the left (the peeled away side), then it wasn't malpositioned. Their necks are craned almost upside down in the shell (how any of them actually ever hatch is a true miracle!) And its beak looks like it was in the correct position. Had it pipped?
If the air sack was on the left (the peeled away side), then it wasn't malpositioned. Their necks are craned almost upside down in the shell (how any of them actually ever hatch is a true miracle!) And its beak looks like it was in the correct position. Had it pipped?

It's true, I am amazed how they develop and hatch in just 21 days.

It had zipped about 1/3 of the way around the egg, but never pierced that outer membrane. It just pecked the shell off. The chick was HUGE inside the egg, I'm guessing it didn't have enough room to move around. . I never would have thought their heads were THAT turned around inside those eggs.

Thanks for the help!
So I've been hatching my own eggs for a while now and been very susessful. But recently something has changed. So my tempurure is 97-101 and humility is 36-40 wondering if humdity is to low???? But anyways I put some eggs in on Jan 17,18,19,20,21 and I candled them and all but one is growing. And this 1 egg put in the incubator on Jan 21 doesn't look like it is a week old, it's very fetus and red blood veins. Has anyone experienced some thing like this before???? Do you think it could have been to cold in the coop, and not being collected right away after being laid, could it have possibly made the eggs duds???? Because near the 21 of Jan the weather warmed up significantly. Anyone got any similar experiences ???

In the future I definitely recommend collecting them and setting them aside and then setting them in the incubator all at once so you don't have chicks hatching one each day for a week.

36-40% humidity is probably fine. I use a lower humidity than that but many people use similar numbers to that just fine.

Depending on the temps in the coop between when they were laid and when you were collected, it could have killed them. Have you checked fertility on your eggs (such as the ones you crack open to eat) at all?

Your temps are varying a lot so that could have something to do with it. 97 is definitely too low. Are you looking at the incubators thermometer or a separate one? I always recommend a separate one. You can get a cheap aquarium thermometer to use, just make sure it reads 32 in watery ice.
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I put together a nice little pack of eggs for my Hubbies' coworker whose 9 year old daughter has never seen anything but white eggs so far!

So I wanted to share a pic with some one, that's you guys.
Have SFH in the bator now but waiting for my FBCM to mature a little before trying theirs.

Pics never do justice, I'm sure y'all know. But I think that little girl will enjoy.... if she isn't scared to eat weird colored eggs like I was, not too long ago.

I put together a nice little pack of eggs for my Hubbies' coworker whose 9 year old daughter has never seen anything but white eggs so far! :eek: So I wanted to share a pic with some one, that's you guys. ;) Have SFH in the bator now but waiting for my FBCM to mature a little before trying theirs. :) Pics never do justice, I'm sure y'all know. But I think that little girl will enjoy.... if she isn't scared to eat weird colored eggs like I was, not too long ago. :rolleyes:
Beautiful variety! About a month ago I had a request for "only colored eggs". I had to go through a couple weeks worth of eggs and pull out all the different greens and blues. I did put a couple brown ones in also because there just weren't enough.
I put together a nice little pack of eggs for my Hubbies' coworker whose 9 year old daughter has never seen anything but white eggs so far! :eek: So I wanted to share a pic with some one, that's you guys. ;) Have SFH in the bator now but waiting for my FBCM to mature a little before trying theirs. :) Pics never do justice, I'm sure y'all know. But I think that little girl will enjoy.... if she isn't scared to eat weird colored eggs like I was, not too long ago. :rolleyes:
One of my very favorite parts of having my own flock is the amazing variety of eggs -color, shapes, sizes - they are all as unique as the birds who lay them!

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