Juice cleanse

Yes, all together!

My favorite so far is...

1 cucumber
2 apples
handful of kale
4 celery stalks
1/2 lemon
Little bit of ginger

I actually crave that sometimes now.

Another one is Carrot, Beet, Apple... never tried it with ginger though

You can add whatever you want, just go easy on the potent stuff like the Ginger. Other greens can go in too, like Spinach. Tomatoes too! Without all the sodium that's in v8.
Day one. I'm a gonna die. Head pounding, eyeballs barely functioning. Everything smells weird and unpleasant. The first few glasses of juice, water, juice were delicious. Now I feel poorly. I must hang on till the third day at least. blah. no energy., lotsa pain.
I'm sorry but I had to laugh when I read, "I'm gonna die."

You are NOT going to die. I'm sure if feels like it though. Tell us exactly what did you have today. What juice mixture?

What kinda pain?

You can do it. Whenever you think that you can't, just come on BYC and post on this thread. We will talk you through it.

Keep up the good work.
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interesting thread right before the holidays.

i actually bougth one 3 years ago and it has been in my cabinet,waaayyy in the back.last week i got it out and sat it on the counter.i have at least one juice drink daily.nothing too hard yet.no cokes so i have had quite a few headaches.we are just trying to eat better so smaller portions of better foods and of course,1 meal is a juice drink.
the kids love juicing.they like to pick out stuff at the store and then get home and throw it in.
we have the juiceman jr.it does the glassful and keeps out the pulp.the chickens love the pulp too.
my favorite recipe is apples,grapes,mangos and a dropperful of vit b-complex.
yes, i do get a bit dramatic. I just went off some wonderful pain pills, quit even the one cup of caffeine a day, and am getting over a bout of indulgence in junk food that I'm allergic too (partially inspired by the happy pain pills - one reason to lay off them). I'm ALWAYS in pain anyway, from arthritis, fibromyalgia, allergy/asthma complex, deterioating back and all sorts other stuff.

I must see this through. The cravings for fried, chocolate, bacon, etc. are tremendous.

This morning's juices were:

#1- carrot, apple, orange, cucumber
#2 - carrot, apple
a couple glasses of water
then I cheated with some leftover chicken and an avocado
now some more carrot juice and some chamomile tea

DH and I are doing it together, while the grown boys are learning to cook their own Thanksgiving dinner. Cooking lessons are good for them. We chose this weekend as a long stretch of days for down time before resuming full loads.

The chickens LOVE the extra trimmings and all that pulp.
Sorry to hear about everything that you are going through.

I love your choices of juices. The boys should enjoy cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Let us know how that turns out.
upon review, I see I'm not drinking enough, either juice or water or tea.

Dinner juice - in the big beer stein: carrot, beet, cucumber, celery, a bit of fresh bell pepper and fennel stalk, and orange.
and chasing/co-drinking it with hot chamomile tea.

eta: DH is perky. cheerful. ugnh
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