July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

Is it time to splurge on a #Buddy monitor? :hmm

So far I still just have the one keet that hatched 17th June, and I can’t tell how things are going with the other dozen-plus among incubator & beneath non-committed broody (shift change: the original broody Melba is rightfully relieved of her services for this season).

Having fertilized eggs was so enticing—until it became very complicated!
Is it time to splurge on a #Buddy monitor? :hmm

So far I still just have the one keet that hatched 17th June, and I can’t tell how things are going with the other dozen-plus among incubator & beneath non-committed broody (shift change: the original broody Melba is rightfully relieved of her services for this season).

Having fertilized eggs was so enticing—until it became very complicated!
what is a buddy monitor? Hope more hatch soon!

Well shoot. My shipped eggs tracking says delivery today but it just shows moving through network. :( so hopefully will be here tomorrow.
I had a broody hen and my parents had a cockerel that they didn't think was doing the business so it just made sense to try and hatch them out 😄. I set four mixed breed eggs on the 12th/13th (I think) so that sets hatch day at 3rd/4th July. I know two of the eggs are from Cream Legbar crosses and two are from two other birds that I hatched out a couple of years ago. I candled the eggs the other day and there is 3/4 developing 😄

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Looks like the rooster is a keeper! 75% developing (he is just sneaky about it lol).
I set 21 assorted coturnix quail eggs from Meyer Hatchery on Monday. They should hatch around July 14 I think? 18 days for coturnix quail?

I’m doing a HAL if anyone wants to follow there or help out with specific quail stuff. I’ve only ever hatched chicken eggs so this is very new to me!
I set 21 assorted coturnix quail eggs from Meyer Hatchery on Monday. They should hatch around July 14 I think? 18 days for coturnix quail?

I’m doing a HAL if anyone wants to follow there or help out with specific quail stuff. I’ve only ever hatched chicken eggs so this is very new to me!
Oh joining the quail club!! I think mine were day 18. Most people say they are easier. I struggled with my hatch, not sure why.... But it was rough!!!! They are TINY!!!!!! Lol. And fast!!!! And try to kill themselves. Lol
Okay, so the photos aren't the greatest but things are looking good! I only did two out of the three eggs to minimise disruption.

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My broody hen is doing great in the shed. She was upset when we spent the day cleaning out her shed, and got off the eggs for an hour or so, so I grabbed a couple and candled them. One was clear but the other was developing so I gave it back to her. She is sitting on 5 now.

So I have been having trouble this year with a rat in that shed. It took 3 chicks from my April & May hatches before I started putting them in a box at night, and I saw it running around in there once. A day ago I moved a second broody into the shed and put her in a cage to break her. And this morning I went out there to find…a dead rat! The second broody pecked in it the head and killed it! I think I need to make her my guard chicken😂
Oh joining the quail club!! I think mine were day 18. Most people say they are easier. I struggled with my hatch, not sure why.... But it was rough!!!! They are TINY!!!!!! Lol. And fast!!!! And try to kill themselves. Lol
Oh no. Please explain!
Oh no. Please explain!
A few of mine struggled to hatch which I normally don't have issues with in chicken eggs. So I had to assist, one went normal. They other while alive and seemingly ready to hatch the veins didn't really receed. I checked and they were there so put it back to let it hatch on its own since I had to go to work so got home like 7 hrs later and still had veins, waited more. 4 hrs later still had veins etc. Not sure what was going on. I assisted anyways as it was getting very weak and got shrink wrapped so figured only option was to try. Long story shortened a bit it didn't make it, but had no deformities or a reason I could see it didn't fully absorb veins.

So overall it was much harder for me, but a friend of mine hatches quail and chicks and struggles with chicks and zero issues with quail.

I was told they can take a long time after pip to hatch.

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