July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

Ok all eggs set!!! 33 total. I have 16 I set on Tue, then another 17 set today. One incubator has both so a bit staggered but only a couple days so hopefully will be ok. 31 colored layers, then 2 lavender Brahma eggs.


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Lol I am looking at those triangle spaces in the 360 and thinking….stackable….add 6 more….😂
Lol. I never have a good hatch rate when I stack. Not sure why. Plus I am only keeping like 4 of these babies so think 33 is good. Lol. I still have like 8-10 already hatched to find homes for still
Candled all the day 3 eggs: 6/8 CCL have babies. And think I saw something in 5/8 OE but maybe more or I was seeing things since they are so hard to see in. Lol. Most likely the OE will be in for a long time. But at the end I was right with the last ones, but they are soooo dark and hard to see in.

One of the CCL has a crack. I put wax on it but haven't had luck doing that yet. They always seem to quit at some point.
I had no intentions of hatching at this time of year, but a family member insisted on running the incubator for 3 polish eggs. I threw in 1 sussex egg and 6 Barnevelder eggs (potentially crossbreed, potentially purebred. Some may even be Sex-linked but I'll have basically no way of knowing which ones 😅) for "control" (emergency friends if only one polish hatched/knowing whether it was an incubator malfunctioned or infertility if they don't hatch). Candled today and confirmed no fertile polish eggs🤦‍♀️.
So I have 6 healthy eggs and 1 unsure (I am not used to candling dark coloured eggs so I am leaving it for now) due on the 15th and 17th.
Candled my 6 remaining silkie eggs at the end of day 15. They all seem to be alive still ❤️ (even the guy I dropped, cracked and sealed 🤦🏼‍♀️) but their air cells already seem HUGE (compared to photos online, this is my first hatch).

Wondering if this means anything for the viability of the chicks, or if I should stop turning soon (I was planning to stop turning on day 17 anyways) or if it means nothing at all and I’m just freaking out because it’s my first time 😂
Hello. I suppose I’ll be joining in this month, mostly Because I feel like i need to talk to people about incubation…
i got a dozen shipped(like all the way across the country shipped) polish eggs that I set the 24th, so they’ll hatch July 15th- week of my birthday, so a belated birthday gift if any will hatch- so far I’m down to 5 viable ones, maybe 7, which I’ll see when I candle again in a few days.
4 of my viable eggs were ones with issues- aircells that looked detached when I got them, yolk being wobbly and drifty when i candled them the first time. These 4 are the eggs that are thriving the most now though, and when I candled them tonight, none looked to have any issues… I may cry if they end up being the only ones to hatch. Out of 6 normal, undamaged eggs, I have 1 or 2 i feel may be alive. I’m leaning towards 1 though. A third is questionable, and the fourth I kept in there to see if it does anything, but Ill probably end up tossing it next candling session.

Does anyone have experience with eggs with detached aircells hatching? Asking, because although the eggs look normal now, I’m still paranoid something will go wrong.

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