July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

Up to two now!
I love hatching quail but mine aren't laying right now
It’s my first quail hatch! Meyer hatchery has a Coturnix mix that I ordered with my aunt (she is down to only 3 quail and wanted more so she let me hatch). Next year I am hoping to hatch them for peole once we have fertile eggs! 😊 I’d love to keep quail too…only time will tell…
today is day 19 for my 1 OE egg.... We were camping this weekend so I took out the turner for that one, the 3 that are on day 17 (as of today) and a couple of shipped ones that I had sitting upright to try to settle air cells on Friday and planned to up humidity today and take the new eggs out and put them in the other incubator once home today. Got home and the OE has a pip! so had to quickly move the other eggs, and up the humidity. Hate that it will be a lone chick until Wed or Thurs.
today is day 19 for my 1 OE egg.... We were camping this weekend so I took out the turner for that one, the 3 that are on day 17 (as of today) and a couple of shipped ones that I had sitting upright to try to settle air cells on Friday and planned to up humidity today and take the new eggs out and put them in the other incubator once home today. Got home and the OE has a pip! so had to quickly move the other eggs, and up the humidity. Hate that it will be a lone chick until Wed or Thurs.
Maybe some of the others will be a bit early too and your OE won't be alone too long.

My #2 pipped! Wrong end though... but i'm sure it'll be fine. I quickly checked the others but it's the only one with an external pip so maybe the others are pipping internally as they should.
Maybe some of the others will be a bit early too and your OE won't be alone too long.

My #2 pipped! Wrong end though... but i'm sure it'll be fine. I quickly checked the others but it's the only one with an external pip so maybe the others are pipping internally as they should.
Yes I am betting the others have internal pips so will probably still hatch around the same time.

Hoping my other 3 are early as well or this little one will be alone for 3 days. I set 2 groups of eggs 2 days apart. This OE is the only one out of 16 to make it..

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