July 2023 Hatch-A-Long


Doing art while I wait for chicks to hatch. This is exact size.
Congrats on the 6 babies!
The paintings are really nice! How long did they take you to paint? They look very detailed, with lots of nuance/shades in each color

I'm at 6 external pips, and I expect the last one to poke through any time now, it sounds very active. No zips yet. #2 made a second whole and I can see its little beak "chewing" through the little gap so it doesn't look quite ready to come out yet.
Heard egg-chewing sounds from one or two in my incubator tonight, so I went to crank the brooder temp back up to 93F.

My latest hatchling had started in the brooder at 95°, and I’m worried that her close contact with the heating panel led to her FTT and eventual demise. So maybe 93 will be good enough in summertime…

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