July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

Heard egg-chewing sounds from one or two in my incubator tonight, so I went to crank the brooder temp back up to 93F.

My latest hatchling had started in the brooder at 95°, and I’m worried that her close contact with the heating panel led to her FTT and eventual demise. So maybe 93 will be good enough in summertime…
I use a MHP and go by how they are acting more than what the temp is, but I do think some chicks just have FTT no matter what.
The last egg (#4) pip'd over night and all others are out. 3 had hatched when I woke up and 2 more came out this morning.

3 of them had slightly unhealed navels, so we'll see how that goes... I put #5 and #6 in cups since they hatched while I was around. The other one looks fine and sleeps in the brooder.

They're all super light yellowish/white (does that color have a name?)
Except #2 which has 2 black feathers on its back.

pic: #7, who is still drying in the incubator too, decided it needed a hug and climbed on top of #5 for a nap in its cup :)
More photos later!


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