Just bought four ducklings off the back of a bike. Any idea what type they are?

We will raise them until they are old enough to be with an adult male, so maybe three months? We have to rehome one of our boys because we accidentally ended up with two, so a friend with a farm and a pond offered to take him. We wanted to give him away with a few girls so he wouldn't be lonely, so when we saw the guy driving past with all of the ducklings we couldn't resist. We're getting the best of both worlds, getting to raise the ducklings without having to double the size of our little flock! In the meantime, though, our boys are driving us berserk.
We will raise them until they are old enough to be with an adult male, so maybe three months? We have to rehome one of our boys because we accidentally ended up with two, so a friend with a farm and a pond offered to take him. We wanted to give him away with a few girls so he wouldn't be lonely, so when we saw the guy driving past with all of the ducklings we couldn't resist. We're getting the best of both worlds, getting to raise the ducklings without having to double the size of our little flock! In the meantime, though, our boys are driving us berserk.
I know exactly what your saying, I have 4 drakes although one is too old for much anymore but the other 3 are young and I have to keep one of them separated from the other 2 or fighting is going on all the time so I'm hoping to rehome one of mine. So far they haven't been too rough on the girls
Did your geese every get use to the ducklings?
Here's an updated photo. They grow so fast, don't they? Looks like they will have an interesting color. What do you think, muscovy or pekin-type?

And no, the geese tolerate them but mostly they all ignore each other. They are big enough that we just started letting them run around the garden on their own, but they just stick together.
Here's an updated photo. They grow so fast, don't they? Looks like they will have an interesting color. What do you think, muscovy or pekin-type?

And no, the geese tolerate them but mostly they all ignore each other. They are big enough that we just started letting them run around the garden on their own, but they just stick together.
Can't tell for sure from pics but are their bills Round like most Domestic ducks? other than that they look like they maybe barred [coloring] I'll get a pic.

It will be interesting to see how yours turns out.
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They really are adorable. They are about 4 weeks old now and one of them is literally half the size of the others. Does this mean I have 3 boys and 1 girl? I was sold four girls, but you know how that goes... I have no idea how to tell with Muscovies/mulards. We only have Pekin-types.

Someone just send me this video and the coloring is what I think (I hope) these ducklings are going to look like!
All of my neighbors swear up and down that these are not Muscovy or crosses. We will see!

I am worried about the 3 big ones versus 1 small one...worried we have three boys on our hands.

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