Lavender Orpington project ....

Thanks Kathy! I have to wait til my new Grandson is hatched before I can load the bator with these!!! Grandson is due anytime this month!! lol so Grandma is on notice not to incubate or brood! The 6 girls just started laying and they are fertile eggs!!!!

I have some good hefty lav hens that didn't want their pics taken so I'm hoping for nice typey chicks.
Thought i'd post a pic of my Lav Boy and Lav split girl.


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Sandy, your birds are beautiful.
I know you'll do great things with the lav orp project. Thanks for your continued work on them.

Chookchick - fresh mottled babies are due around 3/18. I'll post some pics when they hatch.
Here are my 6 Lavenders from HinkJC. I think there is 4 Girls and 2 Boys. I could be wrong, but they are developing way differently.The suspected Boys have shorter wind feathers and fuzzy rear ends. The suspected Girls have way longer wings and tail feathers coming in. They are very sweet and cute! And that is a little non toxic paint on their heads so I can tell em apart

The Guys(?)

The Gals(?)

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