Layer Feed that Isn't Pellets. Okay?

Very good point and one of the reasons I really like pellets.

I wonder if the flock would eat pellets or crumbles if they were moistened.

Good idea and worth trying.

I feed both fermented whole grain feed as well as dry pellets (and very occasionally wet pellet "dust"). The birds eat everything and get a balanced diet, plus there's almost no waste that way.
I will agree with @rosemarythyme. I feed my birds Scratch & Peck grower (all seeds) with oyster shell on the side. They will avoid the powder (which must be vitamins and such) if it's fed dry, BUT I give them a moistened bowlful first thing in the morning, which they finish, being bored in the coop for an hour until I let them out. I also add RopaPoultry supplement to their water. They actually like that.

They ate moistened crumbles with no problem when they were chicks, so that can work, too.
Fermenting feed is a great way to go if you want to go a non-pellet route. It's good for other reasons too, like if you have to haul feed out and don't have easy access to water, adds a lot of moisture to their diet which can be good in hot/dry areas. There's some great research on the benefits. It's especially useful for extending expensive organic feeds or feeds that utilize powdered or crumbled proteins/vitamins.

Either way, PLEASE investigate your local options rather than ordering on Amazon. I know not everyone goes through hundreds of pounds of feed a month like I do, but it just irks me. LOL. I can't explain it. Work with your local feed stores and mills, they may even be willing to develop a new product for you if you can get others in the area on board! I recommend locally-owned even over some chain like TSC. These businesses NEED US.
Very good point and one of the reasons I really like pellets.

I wonder if the flock would eat pellets or crumbles if they were moistened.
Tell me about fermenting/wetting! Do I just put a bit of warm water in them and let them sit a bit? Never knew about this - I only got my pullets when we moved into this house (that came with these beautiful girls) in August so I am really novice. Thanks so much
Tell me about fermenting/wetting! Do I just put a bit of warm water in them and let them sit a bit? Never knew about this - I only got my pullets when we moved into this house (that came with these beautiful girls) in August so I am really novice. Thanks so much

There's many threads on here with lots of inputs from folks who know far more about fermenting than I am...use the search feature and I bet you'll be in for hours of insightful reading!

But for wetting, yeah, just add water until everything is kind of wet and starting to turn into a mush.
Hi All - my girls just flat out reject any pellets or crumbles I give them. They will eat scratch but not layer pellets or crumbles. I found these two products on Amazon that I want to try but wanted to know if any of you have tried them and/or like them as an alternative.

any thoughts/comments? Ps Happy New Year to all of my chicken loving friends!
Try Scratch & Peck whole grain layer feed. Mine looove it.
You can actually ferment it which is basically just leaving it covered with water for a day or few (I’m not sure the exact times) and some add ACV too to get it started BUT mine love it just wet too and not actually fermented.

I just add some feed to a dish then some water and stir it together and the feed should soak the water right up! It actually expands a bunch too so it’s a great way to save a little on feed too and use up the powder in it too. 😁

And as a bonus, my birds LOVE it and think it is a great treat even though it’s just their feed and water. :lau I feed Purina Flockraiser crumbles but I think any feed would work!

Oh and you can add more or less water too depending on how wet you want it. Too much water and it’s basically a soup but too little and it’s still quite dry. You will find the right mix. ❤️
But that said though, I would definitely second stopping the scratch! They will eat when they are hungry. BUT! I will say that when I was feeding everybody separate foods, my girls hated their layer pellets and would go raid the chick’s crumbles :lau so now I just feed everybody Flockraiser and it’s much easier haha you might want to try that or starter/grower chick feed (non medicated) and just add oyster shell on the side. Mine seem to like crumbles far better than pellets but especially the Flockraiser stuff. So maybe yours just don’t like layer but might like a different type.
There's many threads on here with lots of inputs from folks who know far more about fermenting than I am...use the search feature and I bet you'll be in for hours of insightful reading!

But for wetting, yeah, just add water until everything is kind of wet and starting to turn into a mush.
Okay awesome thanks so much!
Tell me about fermenting/wetting! Do I just put a bit of warm water in them and let them sit a bit?

At the most basic level, yes, that's fermenting. I don't make mine fancy at all - a big glass jar (or other food safe container) and roughly equal parts feed and water. Leave plenty of space in the container, as the ferment can double in size! I let it sit 24 hrs and then start feeding daily until I use it all up. With whole grain feeds they'll swell up and become a little sticky, my goal is a thick oatmeal consistency.

Wet feed is simply feed with a bit of water until it's thick, then feed immediately. Good way to quickly use up leftover pellet/crumble dust.

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