Layer Feed that Isn't Pellets. Okay?

At the most basic level, yes, that's fermenting. I don't make mine fancy at all - a big glass jar (or other food safe container) and roughly equal parts feed and water. Leave plenty of space in the container, as the ferment can double in size! I let it sit 24 hrs and then start feeding daily until I use it all up. With whole grain feeds they'll swell up and become a little sticky, my goal is a thick oatmeal consistency.

Wet feed is simply feed with a bit of water until it's thick, then feed immediately. Good way to quickly use up leftover pellet/crumble dust.
WOW that was awesome! Thank you so much! I am going to give it a whirl. Maybe they will like the fermented pellets better than the regular ones!
WOW that was awesome! Thank you so much! I am going to give it a whirl. Maybe they will like the fermented pellets better than the regular ones!

Definitely start with small amounts - I cringe when people try fermenting for the first time and dump half a feed bag into a giant bucket, and the flock doesn't take to it. The chickens may turn their nose up at it for a few days before giving it a chance.
Definitely start with small amounts - I cringe when people try fermenting for the first time and dump half a feed bag into a giant bucket, and the flock doesn't take to it. The chickens may turn their nose up at it for a few days before giving it a chance.
Thanks! I have four ladies. What do you think like 1/4 cup each? And do you let it dry out a little or serve it up wet? Most chickens love oatmeal and scrambled eggs but my divas seem to turn their nose up to anything that isn't a micro-green or a cherry or some fancy fruit or veggie. I think they are hipsters. They also like those brown rice rolls they sell at Whole Foods. Hipsters!
Thanks! I have four ladies. What do you think like 1/4 cup each? And do you let it dry out a little or serve it up wet?

I serve about 1/4 cup per bird in the morning (I use a 1/4 cup capacity ladle) and I put it in cat food bowls so I can spread them around the run. With 4 birds, 2 small bowls/dishes will work well. I serve it "wet" rather than go through hassle of straining, however it's very thick and almost like stiff oatmeal. The exact ratio of feed to water to achieve that will vary, but as a general rule start with 50/50 water to feed, and adjust if needed from there.
I serve about 1/4 cup per bird in the morning (I use a 1/4 cup capacity ladle) and I put it in cat food bowls so I can spread them around the run. With 4 birds, 2 small bowls/dishes will work well. I serve it "wet" rather than go through hassle of straining, however it's very thick and almost like stiff oatmeal. The exact ratio of feed to water to achieve that will vary, but as a general rule start with 50/50 water to feed, and adjust if needed from there.
That is great! Thank you so much for giving me this info! I am a new chicken owner so having someone patient to explain this stuff to me is enormously helpful! I keep plastic containers that they deliver door-dash food in etc that don't want to put in those will be perfect to place servings around the run so the bossy mean girls don't hog it all LOL
Hi All - my girls just flat out reject any pellets or crumbles I give them. They will eat scratch but not layer pellets or crumbles. I found these two products on Amazon that I want to try but wanted to know if any of you have tried them and/or like them as an alternative.

any thoughts/comments? Ps Happy New Year to all of my chicken loving friends!
UPDATE! so last night I soaked pellets in with a smaller amount of scratch. I put it out in little tupperwares that I usually put micro greens etc.. in and only put a little bit of watercress and arugula on top of it. Never did I think it but they ate it all!!!! All the pellets! I only put out about 1/3 cup per hen's worth but it was all gone. My girls NEVER touch their pellets so thank you all for the soaking idea!
Wet mash is the way to go, with the current feed you have on hand - using a bowl or bucket, measure out what you think they'll eat in 15 minutes or so, pour some water over it, let it soak for a few minutes, then serve. If it's too dry, add more water; if it's too watery, add a little more feed. You could even try fermenting it!
Wet mash is the way to go, with the current feed you have on hand - using a bowl or bucket, measure out what you think they'll eat in 15 minutes or so, pour some water over it, let it soak for a few minutes, then serve. If it's too dry, add more water; if it's too watery, add a little more feed. You could even try fermenting it!
Thank you! I ended up soaking like 2 cups of pellets with about 1.5 cups of scratch and when i scooped it out this morning it was kind-of dried out but still moist enough to scoop (almost like digging into dirt) so I put about 1/2 cup in two different tupperwares this morning and they ate every drop! These girls never touch pellets. So happy to have a way to get it in them! After I scooped that out I added more water to the line of the top of the food so waiting to see what it will look like tomorrow. reminds me of sourdough starter, just keep adding. Once it gets too sour I guess they will let me know! thanks for the info!
Thank you! I ended up soaking like 2 cups of pellets with about 1.5 cups of scratch and when i scooped it out this morning it was kind-of dried out but still moist enough to scoop (almost like digging into dirt) so I put about 1/2 cup in two different tupperwares this morning and they ate every drop! These girls never touch pellets. So happy to have a way to get it in them! After I scooped that out I added more water to the line of the top of the food so waiting to see what it will look like tomorrow. reminds me of sourdough starter, just keep adding. Once it gets too sour I guess they will let me know! thanks for the info!
I am glad they are eating their feed finally and that it’s working but I would honestly cut out the scratch completely or at least cut that ratio wayyyy back as it waters down the nutrients in the feed. Just wetting the feed is a treat in and of itself for most birds. 😁 if not, you could add a teeny bit of scratch to trick them into thinking it’s a treat. 😉 but not half and half. Treats should make up no more than 10% of their diet and some don’t feed them at all. BUT. I understand you are still transitioning to pellets so it may help and be okay for a bit.

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