Lemon's Dog Adventure!

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So what can we do to help resource guarding
this video has some things you can do to prevent resource guarding (scroll down in the information under the video to find the link to the correct bits of the video)

lots of information on resources guarding (I haven’t read all of it)

information I have so far on how to prevent it is
-trade for things when ever you can(give them something of equal or more value before taking what ever they have
- toss treats at them when you go past them when they have a chew
-don’t ignore their body language

if you have a dog that resources guards a lot you should find a behaviourist to help

this isn’t something I have done much research on but basically don’t make the dog feel like you take everything nice and make you taking things/being near their food a good thing
this video has some things you can do to prevent resource guarding (scroll down in the information under the video to find the link to the correct bits of the video)

lots of information on resources guarding (I haven’t read all of it)

information I have so far on how to prevent it is
-trade for things when ever you can(give them something of equal or more value before taking what ever they have
- toss treats at them when you go past them when they have a chew
-don’t ignore their body language

if you have a dog that resources guards a lot you should find a behaviourist to help

this isn’t something I have done much research on but basically don’t make the dog feel like you take everything nice and make you taking things/being near their food a good thing
If they arent a resource guarder then you wont need this.
But if they are the treating or exchanging for the thing they are guarding works great. I taught from a puppy that whatever they have, they know i can touch it to. I taught this by only allowing them to have the toy for a few minutes then switching out and putting a new toy out old toy up. Mine bring me their toys whenever i give them to them. They have never had a issue with resource guarding
If they arent a resource guarder then you wont need this.
But if they are the treating or exchanging for the thing they are guarding works great. I taught from a puppy that whatever they have, they know i can touch it to. I taught this by only allowing them to have the toy for a few minutes then switching out and putting a new toy out old toy up. Mine bring me their toys whenever i give them to them. They have never had a issue with resource guarding
The preventive training is for when they aren’t resources guarding. I am not going to tell people what to do if their dog is resource guarding because they would need to go to a qualified behaviourist then

as long as you aren’t physically taking the toys from your dogs instead what for them to drop the toy for the other then that might help. If you aren’t then that can make resource guarding prone dogs start guarding

the problem with saying I did this and my dog doesn’t guard is that if the dog was never going to start resource guarding then it still won’t. Which is why I am posting information I have gotten from trainers and behaviourists that have worked with resources guarding dogs
The preventive training is for when they aren’t resources guarding. I am not going to tell people what to do if their dog is resource guarding because they would need to go to a qualified behaviourist then

as long as you aren’t physically taking the toys from your dogs instead what for them to drop the toy for the other then that might help. If you aren’t then that can make resource guarding prone dogs start guarding

the problem with saying I did this and my dog doesn’t guard is that if the dog was never going to start resource guarding then it still won’t. Which is why I am posting information I have gotten from trainers and behaviourists that have worked with resources guarding dogs
Yeah, never ever try and put your hand in their food.
Yes! I play tug with my aggression prone breed dogs, it gives them an outlet for their natural behaviour

another common myth is sticking your hand into the dogs food to prevent resource guarding. It doesn’t prevent it if the dog was never going to resource guard then it does nothing but if the dogs is prone to resource guarding it can cause them to start. And absolutely never punish your dog for communicating (growling,baring teeth, etc) otherwise they will skip the communication and go straight for something that will work
Someone would actually try that? If my dog was guarding his food, there's no way I'd be putting my hand near it. Because a lot of dogs are protective around their food, I try to avoid going near their food while they're eating. Most I'll do is pet them while I tell them how good they are, or put more food in their bowl if they didn't have a full serving when they began. Because my dog often drinks his water after he eats, I'll sometimes refill his water bowl while he eats too. (My dog has zero aggression when it comes to his food or his toys. If one wanted to, they could literally take his stuff right out of his mouth with no problems. He's just untrustworthy around certain people that he might not be familiar with and no where else.)
I went to the store and got her a few things, though I'll probably get some more once I figure out what she likes!

This is what I have for her so far:
A crate (I'll get a bigger one as she grows)
Donut-shaped bed
Food and water bowls
Toys (nylabones, a GoDog dinosaur with a squeaker, a puppy Kong and a more tough one, and a fish shaped Benebone [Guide dog for the blind pups loved that])
Reusable and disposable pee pads and poop bags
Small-ish plain collar for now
Training leash
Enzyme cleaner

I probably have other stuff I'm forgetting as well

I still need to get her some more of the dog food she's already on, a toothbrush and toothpaste, high-reward treats for training, a bait bag, and a more 'normal' leash.

Anything important I'm missing right now? I know I won't use all of these supplies immediately. I'm excited!
How about a harness? At this young of an age, she's probably not ready for one yet; I just figured I'd suggest it. Are you planning on doing her nails yourself? If so, a lot of people suggest using a grinder with their dogs as the dogs don't mind them as much as actual clippers.

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