Lets talk about goats!

Hey i have a year old female nigerian dwarf doe who was in a pen with a 6 month old buck for 5 months so when they got separated the buck was 11 months old and now im wondering if the doe may be pregnant. The signs that i have seen so far are a lower belly and maybe an inch or 2 wider. She's also very skiddish so im only able to touch her when she's eating
Do you guys now some other early signs that i can tell from a distance
And i dont know about her heat cycle


Did you look at her teats? Is she developing an udder? Because of the rumen, you can't look at how "fat" a goat is... the rumen can get quite large especially if they've been out on fresh forage. An easy way is to look at the teats. Any development there would indicate pregnancy. But, @moomoodiddy is quite right - you can send in a blood sample and they can tell you if she's preggers or not. That's the best and most positive way to tell.

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