[LIST - Over 1,000 names!] Chicken names!

My pullets are

Akoh (light brahma)
Luna (white leghorn)
Cleo (brown leghorn)
Q-Tip (white crested black polish)
Pompom (white polish)
Chihiro (red shoulder yokohama)
Fawkes (golden phoenix)
Just got my chicks yesterday and still working out names. My boys and their friends are doing some of the more creative naming:

Selma (white leghorn named for my chicken farming grandmother)
Princess Bubblegum (Barred Rock taking its name from the cartoon Adventure Time, maybe Bubble for short)
Marcelline (Silver Laced Wyandotte also in the Adventure Time theme for Marcelline the Vampire Queen)
Lola (Black Australorp)
Lilac (Barred Rock)
Alfonso (Ameraquana- my 11 yo, what kind of name is Alfonso? Think I'll call it Alfa)
One unnamed Black Australorp (waiting for another of my boys' friends to name it - I'm trying to come up with another Adventure Time name - maybe Lumpy Space Princess and call it Lumpy for short?)
We've had our birds now for two months...all buff orpingtons, at about over one year old.

The rooster's name: Akmed

and our girls are: Madonna
Sweet Pea

Gulon just hatched three chicks today with possibly one more later tonight/tomorrow... names of the chicks are forthcoming.
Tyson, jersey giant named after Mike Tyson
Manny, named after Manny Pacquiao
A$$hole, because he was one

Mary, an Ameraucana
Not Mary, looked like Mary but wasn't
Sarah Plain and Tall, a jersey giant
Troody, my 2nd broody
Josie, or Josephine
Nugget, or NugNug
Is it bad that I named my three hens: breakfast, lunch, and dinner?

Bert (barred rock)

Pinkie, flopsy, roxy, (white leghorns)
Gobbles (brown leghorn)
Delta (brown leghorn white leghorn mix)
Comet (red comet)
Momma & Chirp (RIRs)
Shanaynay (Salmon Favorelle!)
Gracie (ummm.. No idea for breed..black hen)
Boobie (cochin bantam mix)

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