I have EE, and OE hatching eggs for sale, 10$ per dzn. + 12.65 shipping, they are French black copper marans roo over blue/green/olive egg layers, they lay a large egg,Getting ready to order the ISA brown pullets for my egg business. BUT, Lazy Gardener said to do half and half EE so I can get colored eggs for the customers. I know nothing about EE's . I like the CC Legbar over white Leghorn. Super Blue egg layer. But the tiny eggs I've been getting this week are almost white. Very blue tinge. Maybe I should just go with the Legbar's. Better color. Pam, how good are they at laying.. Grow out time? Should I just get the ISA brown's and add the other's later? Someone said to buy CCL and some white leghorns and make my own. How loud are they. I'm looking for a very docile bird with a rooster that's not insanely loud. I've got time to ponder, not placing the order until the first week of Feb
I checked out Sandhill Preservation just to see when they were starting up for the year. They have the new catalog out and checking it over, I noticed that the Marraduna Basques are sold out for the entire year. Wow. Someone wants them. I'll be buying some more from Laura in Tx. soon. Cute little devils. I only hatched 2 and want more. Sandhill has good New Hampshires and Delawares if I can't get them from somewhere else. Quality not as good but the size is there. Much better than going the hatchery route.
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