"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Terri, your chicks are precious and I love the orps!!
You'll be glad to get that testing out the way!!
Raining?... Yep. But, look on the bright side. The geese and ducks are having a blast! Looked out this morning and while it was pouring down rain a pair of my Sebastopol geese were in their kiddie pool mating. They were so happy! Egg laying time..., I WANT happy geese. I have 10 eggs in the incubator right now; and I've sold a few on ebay. My saddleback eggs are going for $45 for two eggs on ebay. I'll be collecting eggs over the next couple of weeks for my next batch to incubate.

Julie, I'm working on getting you a pair of geese!
Well it's overcast and muggy right now so Brian is already working on the new coop,. before the rain hit's,. He's cutting out the windows,.. I think we need to expand the new coop and it's not even finished,..
on a sad note,.eggs we bought from Bargain ( Nancy) were supposed to be here on the 3rd and they are still not here today! Our little country PO closes in an hour and Robert says they have no way of knowing where they.
It's so frustrating,. but it's the first time it's happened to us so I don't want to complain,. ( much)

I had to set the other eggs I had ,. couldn't wait,.. so if and when the others get here????

I'll figure it out,. there are so many folks with real problems,. this is just frustrating and ya'll are the only people that understand.

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny Swampwood and Julie,.. so we should be able to get outside,.
I hope it's nice tomorrow cause today's just nasty!!
Was planning on working in the garden!! Hopefully I can do it tomorrow!!

On a brighter note!! My Speckled Sussex eggs came in yesterday from Gabbard Farm, and I set them a bit ago!! They were packed beautifully... So 14 eggs went in the bator!!

My other SS eggs go on lockdown Monday!!

Sorry Bayou about not getting your eggs hope you get them soon!! Glad ya'll were able to get some work done on the coop!!

If anyone has to get out in this weather be extra careful!!
grambysfarm - good luck on those eggs in the incubator. i want an incubator so bad but i know i shouldn't.
i don't think that i can get an incubator because once I got the hang of it, there would be eggs in there every month and i know i couldn't handle that. too many chicks for me. i would be way over my limit.

BayouPoules - sorry that your eggs weren't at the PO. i can understand the frustration. you had your heart set on getting them by the 3rd.
glad that Brian was able to get a little done on the coop. that's a good feeling. a little bit at a time. i can't wait to see the pics.

it rained a lot so far. i sorta fell in a deep sleep when i heard all of that. i got a good nap for a couple of hours. i went outside and it was MESSY out there. i checked on all of the animals to make sure no one was washed away. they are all fine running around out there having fun as usual. i dont think it even matters to them when it rains.

Barred Babies- Congrats on those new Speckled Sussex eggs.
don't forget to post pics when they hatch.

Today was a wasted day. I'll be washing clothes the rest of the day and preparing my chicken eggs for my egg customers. I have an order for 12 dozen for Monday.

Swampwood, how is the egg selling going? i know that you said that you had more orders than eggs. i hope that worked out for you.

Tomorrow will be trying to situate those Muscovy hens of mine. I have about 10 that went broody and 7 of them have made a nest in a place that I do not approve of. Two nests was so well hidden that I didn't notice that my girls had built a nest in the sheep pen (on the side of a hay stack and the other in the sheep shed)
. The sheep won't bother them but I"m afraid the 4 baby lambs who flip, jump and cut cartwheels all over the place may accidentally jump on them and hurt them. I have never had to move a broody duck hen and I afraid, so I'm at a lost.
I hope it all works out for me.
Moving them is gonna be 50/50 kuntrygirl but muscovy take it better than mostIfyou could make a temp fencing or barrier around it ould be bette
I moved some ofmine last year straight to a dhouse and they took right back up to it
Good luck
I need to go check on my little broody out there and make sure she's not in a lake!! My others are doing the same having a blast in the rain!! They know when it rains the worms come up so they look like a bunch of drowned rats out there!!

Can't call get the laundry done a wasted day, I HATE to do laundry!!

Julie, I wish you luck moving your ducks!!

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