Loving the chick life!

Well we are all waiting for that month! I got some new chicks from someone and I'm just counting those days down! Some chickens will actually lay at month 5! Depends on the time of year that they hatched. A chick hatched in late June won't lay until January! A chick hatched in February will lay in July! That's in my area, though. Does the lady give them for free? That would be quite the deal! My first Buff Orpingtons I got was four patchy, torn up, badly bred Buff Orpingtons for $60, a little high! My Barred Rock and Rhode Island chicks cost me $64 for eight, more reasonable! That's still nice that she's going to give you some more! Before I knew how to sex barred rock chicks I went to a hatchery to pick them out and the whole thing was full of cockerel chicks! It's like they think not everyone can sex barred chicks! Is she giving you pullets?
I am exactly the same, except I started with 10. I am with them all the time and can't make myself leave them. It's so hard not to get attached!!
Okay, I didn't think you free ranged one bird. All of my chickens free range, roosters, hens, and even two week old chicks! Do you have a coop? I have a guard rooster, so that's probably why.

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