Loving the chick life!

Here are my chicks
Buff orp/wheaten mix

Her sister

My 3/4 wheaten and 1/4 brown red game chicks

Very nice birds! They are healthy looking, and have very in order feathers! How do game chickens act? Weren't they bred for fighting? Or are yours more calmed down game chickens? A guy I know has Old English Games and they are always attacking him.
Well my game chickens have never attacked me unless they have chicks other than that I have never had a problem with them attacking me. On the other hand they rather be on there own with there group rather than with people they are one of the hardest to catch when free ranging. But all I do is just get a bucket of chicken scratch and they will come running.
Yeah I love them, they are my favorite type of chickens.
this is my wheaten hen and my 3/4 wheaten and 1/4 brown red rooster. My rooster is loosing his feathers he is only 1 year of age.

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