Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

I have to laugh -- I've got 3 EMU eggs in the incubator now. They will hatch close to the time shown here. That would be a hoot
I would like to join in on the fun. Just spent two hours reading through all of the posts. This really is a crazy bunch, but full of great info. I have picked up a lot of helpful tips already.

This will be my very first hatch so hopefully I won't bug you all too much. I plan on setting Blue Andalusians and hopefully some splash Sumatras. Not sure how many at this point.

I know the undie contest is over, but wolftracks was my recruiter :)

I would like to join in on the fun. Just spent two hours reading through all of the posts. This really is a crazy bunch, but full of great info. I have picked up a lot of helpful tips already.
This will be my very first hatch so hopefully I won't bug you all too much. I plan on setting Blue Andalusians and hopefully some splash Sumatras. Not sure how many at this point.
I know the undie contest is over, but wolftracks was my recruiter
Ha! I'm back, although regular hospital visits may yet knock me out of the game, all going well I'll be setting 24 experimental coloured brahmas this Easter. I got going on some assorted colours last year, and am busy seprating the girls until they lay and then putting them back with the big man, Leafy, again for the day. Just so I can label each one with their starting colour. So, after three years of breeding, I now finally have a good idea what the colour make up is in each one. Long long road, but this year I'll finally see if my plans are working (evil laugh!)

Hope everyone is doing well, have been offline for a LOOOOOOOONG time. Incubators being pulled from hibernation as we speak for a week's trial shortly. May even have a go at making one - I have one with a dodgy thermostat that I can buther. I feel a cabinet in the making here, my husband will KILL me.
Great to see you again- please post pics of your Brahmas!

I would like to join in on the fun. Just spent two hours reading through all of the posts. This really is a crazy bunch, but full of great info. I have picked up a lot of helpful tips already.
This will be my very first hatch so hopefully I won't bug you all too much. I plan on setting Blue Andalusians and hopefully some splash Sumatras. Not sure how many at this point.
I know the undie contest is over, but wolftracks was my recruiter

Never fear, there's bound to be a new, odd contest running any time now

I'm in! I'll be using broodies, but since I have silkies and several other broody breeds, I'm not too worried.

Great to see you- I'm likely going to have some broodies to use, as well, as it appears all of my Silkies are glued to the floor again...

Fortunately I hatched almost every egg they laid for the last 6 weeks, so I'm rolling in Silkie chicks.

Mahonri, do wait for the cops- they would really prefer not to have to scrape you up, and we would prefer that, too. REALLY. I'm very glad you're okay, and that DS is home. You should have had him bring you some eggs!!
Well, Mahonri playing rent-a-cop, well done foolish you! I promise to get around to reading all the posts I've missed so far this year, but as a poster said a few lines ago - over two hours... if I find the time...!

I will post pics of what I have remaining from last year's flock. I've gone from excess chicks each year to not being able to keep them, I find it hard to say no when people ask if they can buy my birds. They are fab type, but really messy breeding birds, there'll be no shows with last year's hatches, their foot feathers are destroyed after the winter we've had. Shame really as two of my girls really moulted hard and are looking fabulous until you look below their chests! The mud and rain has taken it's toll. Good news though, I'm making a huge permanent split run this year, and instead of filling both sides with birds, I can alternate them between runs to save (hopefully) some vegetation for next winter. No doubt they'll have both sides like quagmires by the spring, but at least I might have some decent feathery feet next year.

I'll keep my main run for broodies and chicks, just need to re-rat proof it. Rats took a whole bunch of my last hatch last year, I had eighteen chicks out in September sun and I only had two left after just four days. It was heartbreaking. I ended up taking the risk of putting them in with the biggies at just six weeks old and thankfully my huge roo (see left) took good care of them, more or less brooding them on the perch at night. He is a real gent, if you have feathers, that is. Not too keen on people though.

So, I have some orders in already for this year, and no doubt I'll behatching a load of ducks as usual in my hatching service. I love hatching them, they are so funny when they come out. So much more developed than chicks I think, but I don't actually keep any. Might this year, we'll see. Maybe some ornamental ones.

Anyway, good luck everybody, I'll keep updated as much as I can but like I said in mylast post, all depends on the docs. Happy hatching!!
Welcome! And of course, you won't bug any of us too much. We're happy to have you!
(And all you other newly signed-up folks, too).

Always a big welcome to BYC newbies, whether seasoned hatchers or not! Always good for advice on here, and maybe learn a few closely guarded tricks on successful hatching!

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