Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

They are out already. I went out to get an update pic and I heard peeping and lots of activity under the branches at the far end of the pen. I can see Ma and Daddy chasing off the interested Aunties and Uncles/big brothers and sisters. I can't get a pic of the babies yet. They are so well covered under those branches and protected by their parents...
One of my eggs just externally piped!!
So if I do end up with ducklings will they try and escape the pen and not stay with the mother. I know they're good climbers and I've only got about a 30cm high bit of chicken wire round the bottom that they won't be able to get through and above that they will be able to get out. So will they bother to climb this and get out or will they just stay in with the mother if they can't just walk straight out without having to climb? Cheers
They can walk or run right thru chicken wire holes. 30" or 30 cm is not high enough..I have seen mine climb that high.
I'd put up wood or plastic barriers along the bottom 2 feet... or keep them in a safe brooder box that is covered til they are older and can't get through the chicken wire holes. Good Luck!

Today- they are on the ground with their Mama, Daddy and Aunties...but so well hidden I have no idea how many hatched! This brave little soul kept venturing out to say hi or at least spy on me better...there are at least 4 on the ground. I saw 6 in the nestbox and hear no peeping of babies left in the box so...I assume there are at least 6. Each day that I can, I'll go out and just sit on the ground in their pen so they can trust me more and relax some...
on a side note for those wondering if chicken wire is good to keep them in...I have that hardware cloth wire pretty much all around their pen up as high as 4 feet or window screens and wood where I ran out of hardware cloth.

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