Mandarin Duck thread ( for posting pictures and discussing)

9 week old mandarin male or female or is it too early to tell? Thanks!


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Oh how I miss my mandarins. I had some years ago, but they were absolute houdinis and I have no idea where they would escape from. All I can think looking back is that maybe through the vents in the coop? I have since put netting to fill the holes... But, at the time I finally just gave the remainder of my flock to the 4-H.
Hello, I purchased my first Mandarins this Spring. I live in Montana. They came in Feb to the end of a very cold and long winter.
When they arrived, in Feb. the Drakes were plumed? Out in color. They lost their mating color about a month and a half later.
It is now September 3rd and he is getting his color again. I felt the breeders may have ocreated a false environment so they would have their color when they arrived??
I am very confused?
I had one pair of Wood Ducks but I think a coon got them. I forgot to lock them up that night.
I now have One Mandarin drake and two hens.

These photos are from Feb/March soon after they arrived.


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