Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

I believe that some folks breed toward the French standard out of respect for the breed as that is where they originally came from,

Thanks pinkchick and gvntofly05 for the explanation of why the French standard is preferred by many...

I will try to get photos of the GCMs later today. I only have pictures of them from when they were baby chicks. I see pointy saddle feathers appearing on the one with the long tail that I feel certain is a cockerel. No curves in his tail feathers yet - and the tail feathers are a bit twisted to me - several appear to be wrong side up!​
Folks - I'm excited to report that Bev Davis has joined BYC and will pop in to answer any questions folks have of her soon!
This is going to be eggciting! I feel like I should carry around a notebook to jot down all the questions that will pop into my head throughout the day.
I know, I'm so excited! I know she's super busy, but I think she may have been getting annoyed with me for all the questions I've been asking and decided it would just be easier to pop in now & then. She has a farm issue she's working on resolving today, so I'm not exactly sure when she'll be here, but I'm so excited that she joined!

This is Bev Davis, thank you for inviting me to join Wynette. I know I should have joined a long time ago..... sorry!

If anyone has any questions, now is the time to get some answers.

Thanks for joining Bev I think the problem with us newbies is we haven't seen many good birds in the flesh we buy eggs and hatch and then look at our chicks and go "what happened here?" Then we need to learn what to do...and it seems many people selling eggs don't know what to do either.....I've lucked out on my Cuckoos so far but I don't know what to avoid to keep the dark egg color and improve for my BCM's I don't have much looks-wise and have decided to wait on trying anymore just hoping that they will lay dark eggs here shortly...

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