Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

We are raising 30 Cuckoo Marans and we love them! They are huge birds and very sweet! Have only been pecked at once and I was clipping wings when it happened. I can understand that!
Anyway, does anyone have any pictures of their Cuckoo's? Would love to see more!!

They are now 6 months old and are laying eggs like crazy! Silly things lay when it's only 12* outside. Which is frigid for Louisiana!!!
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The eggs, so far come in a variety of darkness. But, most of them have beautiful little dark specks on them. Right off we have 3 hens that are brooding. Pretty encouraging!! I would love to add a dark Maran to get darker eggs but, I'm not too concerned with it.
I got 4 Marans chicks in the mail. One is a Birchen but I don't know which. 2 are male and Black Copper. 2 are females but are still Black. One is very tiny and has a white spot on it's throat since it was a chick. It hasn't grown since it was 2-3 weeks old. Are Birchens smaller? Or maybe it's just a runt. It is very sweet and so cute. It will probably catch up later. The males are 5 times the size.
TThanks so much, I'll take this in consideration. I haven't added any to my flock yet, but I'm eventually going to get a copper marran to ban oliver eggdreed to my Americana to get an oliver eggers.
OkieQueenbee Your bird is expressing birchen..... I would not use it in a copper program.... The bird is visually attractive but has nothing good to offer for egg color... Birchen tends to have the lightest eggs.... that has been my experience.
We are raising 30 Cuckoo Marans and we love them! They are huge birds and very sweet! Have only been pecked at once and I was clipping wings when it happened. I can understand that!
Anyway, does anyone have any pictures of their Cuckoo's? Would love to see more!!

They are now 6 months old and are laying eggs like crazy! Silly things lay when it's only 12* outside. Which is frigid for Louisiana!!!

those are just lovely pictures :)

I know this is a fuzzy picture but you can see thesize difference. These 2 Marans are the same age. 9 weeks. I've had runts and slow growers but never this big of a difference. Has anyone else ever had one this small ?
I had a group of Mottled Houdans and one was a runt (about that size). I was told to offer a higher protein food to help growth, and with time, she grew into adulthood without too much of a size difference between the others and her. It's not the same breed, but maybe that would help yours.

I know this is a fuzzy picture but you can see thesize difference. These 2 Marans are the same age. 9 weeks. I've had runts and slow growers but never this big of a difference. Has anyone else ever had one this small ?

We have a couple of runts too but we attributed it to them being hatched from pullet eggs. Are we wrong? And thanks to Geebs and Pawtraitart for the help on the Birchen.

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