Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

Well, Jake's son went and severely damaged hself today. The bugger broke off a good size chunk of his beak. Tried glueing part back with super glue, but he wouldn't let it be. I'm afraid if he won't eat, he will be culled, and then it's all on Jake again. And here I was worried about Jake! He's 3 now, so that's not too old yet, but I wanted a backup since I've no connection to their line anymore. The old breeder I got mine from retired from the breeding scene, although I might be able to get from elsewhere if I had to. I worry about Jake getting done in by accidents, predators, and the like.
Thank you, I lost my best Blue Copper hen and one Black Copper hen. I am wanting Blue Copper. So I had these shipped. I don't think I will do chicks in the middle of winter again. We have had several days below 0 degrees.
Yeah that has to be tough on chicks. Down here where I'm at the best time to raise chicks is fall/winter in my opinion so it's sort of the opposite. I started a couple of breeding programs and kicked it off last November with some of my layer flock, and all went very well. Those first chicks were born 12/11/16 and are loving life out in a brooder pen in one of my coops. I'm planning to hatch the others starting next month through about the end of March, and then I'll knock off until next October when I'll ramp up again. During the summers here it gets up over 115 during the hottest parts so I'm sure that'd be just as deadly as the colder temps in the winter up in your neck of the woods. I'll be getting some Black Copper and Blue chicks from a breeder in Tucson this spring but I think they'll be ok since it doesn't usually get too blazin' hot until around mid July so hopefully all will go well. I really want to breed the best pullets/cocks next spring. I've never owned any Marans but I've wanted them for a while - they have a lot of excellent qualities. Anyway good luck with yours. I'm very jealous!
Yeah that has to be tough on chicks. Down here where I'm at the best time to raise chicks is fall/winter in my opinion so it's sort of the opposite. I started a couple of breeding programs and kicked it off last November with some of my layer flock, and all went very well. Those first chicks were born 12/11/16 and are loving life out in a brooder pen in one of my coops. I'm planning to hatch the others starting next month through about the end of March, and then I'll knock off until next October when I'll ramp up again. During the summers here it gets up over 115 during the hottest parts so I'm sure that'd be just as deadly as the colder temps in the winter up in your neck of the woods. I'll be getting some Black Copper and Blue chicks from a breeder in Tucson this spring but I think they'll be ok since it doesn't usually get too blazin' hot until around mid July so hopefully all will go well. I really want to breed the best pullets/cocks next spring. I've never owned any Marans but I've wanted them for a while - they have a lot of excellent qualities. Anyway good luck with yours. I'm very jealous!

Thank you,
I hope you get a lot of good hatches. I am glad you are getting some Marans. I just love mine! My rooster is so friendly. He has frostbite on his comb. It's been a bad winter. I don't know if I will hatch this year. Since the surgery on my shoulder was a flop and will be going in for a second. With a 6 month recovery time I don't know if I will be able to hatch. Enjoy your babies!
Hi, wsdareme I love your white chicken. Have you considered that it might have albinism? Got no idea if this happens in chickens, but that's how she looks to me - like an albino Black Copper Maran? Especially if it's from a reputable breeder who's certain they just gave you BCMs?
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New chick lover here! We are starting our homestead this April and one of the top priorities (for me anyway!) is getting our chickens started. I've been spending hours on BYC researching and found so much great info it is almost overwhelming. I won't be showing but want good quality lines for egg and meat production. I am very heavily leaning towards Marans. I've been trying to absorb this thread but there is so much of it! Can someone point me in a good direction to get my first birds? There are a couple of Craigslist ads here locally that have chicks (and lots of other breeds) but I'm gathering that may not be a good way to go but also seeing that hatcheries are not the best option either? Please tell me what I need to look for! I'll be getting a few other breeds just for variety in eggs but will only be keeping a Maran roo to breed with my Maran and other hens at this point. I'd like to get chicks started as soon as we move at the end of April, building the coop will be one of our first tasks so I should have it done by the time they are ready to move in. They will have a protected run but will also have the opportunity to free range when we are there (which is most of the time). Thanks in advance!

Edited to add:
This is one of the Craigslist ads I have seen that piqued my interest but don't know if its a good deal or not

BTW I'm in OKC area now and moving to NW Oklahoma area if someone knows a good breeder near me!
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