March 2017! Hatch with us!

There's a thread here somewhere of good shipping/packing practices. I've had good and bad experiences with shipped eggs. Most of the ones I've shipped have done fairly well. Good packing is a must, since the post office is a huge crap shoot on how they get handled.
Go figure...
And writing fragile on the package helps...not.
If I do end up shipping eggs (which still strikes my funny bone), I'll take the advice from the pros.Thanks for the idea to search it out in a thread here.
Oh geez, really now. You'd think that there are better things to look for if spending money on drug dealers near schools? Robberies? Muggings? But BEES? What the heck? (sorry my opinion got out of my mouth before I could stop it)
HAHAHA I believe they have cited us for unapproved buildings (sheds and chicken coops), living in a motor home (my brother), vehicles parked off paved land. and a few other things.

One of the unapproved buildings is a water tank that has been on this property since approximately 1903, which is when the house was built. The city has a form that you have to map where all your sheds are and file it with the city (with a fee). We filed the form - and laughed at them when they complained about the water tank. We evicted my brother. We moved the car off the dirt area onto a paved section and we are now compliant.

I live in California - what else do you expect?

Ok, on my pile of broodies - 3 hens have gone back to living with the un broody hens. The 4 hens had 2 eggs visible. I felt them, they were sort of cool, not as warm as they should be. I shoved them further under the birds. Does anyone think they were trying to kick those eggs out?
HAHAHA    I believe they have cited us for unapproved buildings (sheds and chicken coops), living in a motor home (my brother), vehicles parked off paved land. and a few other things.

One of the unapproved buildings is a water tank that has been on this property since approximately 1903, which is when the house was built.  The city has a form that you have to map where all your sheds are and file it with the city (with a fee).  We filed the form - and laughed at them when they complained about the water tank.  We evicted my brother.  We moved the car off the dirt area onto a paved section and we are now compliant.  

I live in California - what else do you expect?   

Ok, on my pile of broodies - 3 hens have gone back to living with the un broody hens.  The 4 hens had 2 eggs visible.  I felt them, they were sort of cool, not as warm as they should be.  I shoved them further under the birds.  Does anyone think they were trying to kick those eggs out? 

I'm sorry that you live out there in California I think they would want you to have a permit just to pee I used to drive a truck and hated even to drive across the line it was nothing but a hassle after that
I'm sorry that you live out there in California I think they would want you to have a permit just to pee I used to drive a truck and hated even to drive across the line it was nothing but a hassle after that
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of regulations. I live very quietly out in the middle of nowhere for many reason, that being one of them. When they put up readable street signs a few years back I was so upset. They are paving a few roads closer to the "real" road that leads back to my personal turf. I will loose my mind if they try to pave my road. No no no.I do not want ti to be easy, nor attractive to others to live out here! And it is totally unzoned, or zoned for whatever you feel like having, doing, being. That is my style and my right, and I'm certainly not infringing on anyone else's right to do and have the same in their space.
Can you tell that I do not love rules and regulations? I'm 53. I have earned it.
So last night when I locked down, I was sure I had an internal pip. It's pushing 24 hours, and no external in that egg.
Any cheeping?
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of regulations. I live very quietly out in the middle of nowhere for many reason, that being one of them. When they put up readable street signs a few years back I was so upset. They are paving a few roads closer to the "real" road that leads back to my personal turf. I will loose my mind if they try to pave my road. No no no.I do not want ti to be easy, nor attractive to others to live out here! And it is totally unzoned, or zoned for whatever you feel like having, doing, being. That is my style and my right, and I'm certainly not infringing on anyone else's right to do and have the same in their space.
Can you tell that I do not love rules and regulations? I'm 53. I have earned it.
I lived in Samoa many, many years ago. And right around the time I was leaving, the island got it's first traffic light. It disappeared the first night. They put up another, it took 2 nights for that to disappear. They put up another, nobody stopped at the red light. People just treated the intersection like the light wasn't even there. I don't know how many times it took, before people stated respecting it. That was a tough one for them to accept.

I got a driver's license when I got there. I was driving down a road, and when I got to another road, there was nobody there, so I pulled out. I got pulled over for not stopping. There was a post, but no Stop sign (it had blown away during a hurricane and they never replaced it). I was told, since I got a license, I should have looked at the map and found the 2 dozen or so stop signs and I should have known where they all were.

I don't like the regulations here in CA, but I sure love the weather. I can drive 2 hours to a ski resort if I want to. I am about 30 minutes from the ocean. My thermostat says it's currently 78 degrees and 44% humidity. Very comfy. I grew up in MA - too humid in the summer, and too cold in the winter.
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of regulations. I live very quietly out in the middle of nowhere for many reason, that being one of them. When they put up readable street signs a few years back I was so upset. They are paving a few roads closer to the "real" road that leads back to my personal turf. I will loose my mind if they try to pave my road. No no no.I do not want ti to be easy, nor attractive to others to live out here! And it is totally unzoned, or zoned for whatever you feel like having, doing, being. That is my style and my right, and I'm certainly not infringing on anyone else's right to do and have the same in their space.
Can you tell that I do not love rules and regulations? I'm 53. I have earned it.

Cudos for standing up for your freedom I live in Georgia and hate some of the regulations here and I'm in the country but just not far enough it seems I have been thinking about moving to Texas myself if I could win a lottery I'd be gone already !! Find some acerage and a nice house and bunch of chickens and other animals I'd fly my don't tread on me flag and dare anyone to tell me what I can and can't do! I'm almost 57 I served and bled for this country and I will again if I have to
Sadly no clean version lol but I don't know about the breed as of yet haven't had the chance to research it but I'm going to try to hatch some of their eggs I have herd they are not broody but I got an incubator!! lol I'm just crazy enough to try anything once twice if it works lol

I think I heard sex links dont breed true like the other person said but i think that just means you won't be able to sex them at hatch. They should still be good layers. Especially if the parent breeds are good layers which most of those combos are. So you probably can't sex them at hatch but they should still be good birds :)

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