March 2017! Hatch with us!

Oh geez, really now. You'd think that there are better things to look for if spending money on drug dealers near schools? Robberies? Muggings? But BEES? What the heck? (sorry my opinion got out of my mouth before I could stop it)

I agree with you. That is just absurd.
Am I reading correctly that you're interested in silkie eggs? I have never shipped eggs, never received shipped eggs so I am clueless on the proper/safe procedure. On the other hand, if you could walk me thru the process, first by typing/pm'ing a list of supplies I'd need for the shipping, then (probably by phone would be better so we can talk as I assemble the package) hold my hand while I do it, I'd be more than happy to give it a try. I would be afraid to disappoint if I just tried to wing it by inventing my own shipping process. I'm sure there are tried and proven methods that you can tell me about.
Maybe we could trade eggs (when my silkie goes back into brood-mode she'll sit on anything!).
Let me get my other coop built I'm building a special bantam coop so they can be separated from my sexlinks they a little mean to the smaller birds and I don't know how the shipping goes yet but yes I'm interested and would be glad if you find some birds you like I'll send you some eggs back. GOOD TRADE !
Haha! Is there a clean version of your other one? :D

Golden comets are mixes, so do you mean you are gonna hatch some of their eggs? I always thought they didn't breed true, but since you have a male too, maybe they do! I never had a comet male. Mine always had brahma roos with them. Now they have a frizzled bantam cochin rooster! :gig

Sadly no clean version lol but I don't know about the breed as of yet haven't had the chance to research it but I'm going to try to hatch some of their eggs I have herd they are not broody but I got an incubator!! lol I'm just crazy enough to try anything once twice if it works lol
Wow! Color me jealous!!

Thanks! I fixed the original post and noted the white is probiotics, orange is electrolyte/vitamin. I think I'll be able to remember now, thinking of how good a vitamin source oranges are.
I used to put both in the water for the first week. Now I mainly just use nutridrench for any chick that needs an extra boost.
What's the difference between the powder I have and nutridrench?
Great idea! I love this! I created a border of raised beds around my coop. I try to grow rotating crops they can eat through the wire, like crimson clover or alfalfa, although no surprise, it takes them no time to demolish the whole bed.

This is such great hatching thread. I'm having a hard time keeping up! I woke up this morning to the sound of faint chirping. 2 hours later, I have a pip! Pretty exciting. Tomorrow is hatch day, although I set my eggs in the morning, so I may get some chicks today!
I'm trying to get my brooder set up before the snow sets in tomorrow. (Yes, I know I'm running behind
) I converted an old dresser into a brooder a couple of years ago, and I keep it in the laundry room. We have a big window, so I can sit with the new chicks and watch the snow fall.

Congrats! It's Starting...
I love the brooder! I have had all of my ideas about what a brooder is "supposed to be" like, same with incubators. My favorites of both are the homemade ones. It takes such creativity and vision! I don't recognize, can you point out the heat source? are the 3 birds in the brooder in this pic?
They are golden comets I didn't know that the roosters were different color than the hen until I saw the pic. The Roo is my Roo and the hen that layed the golden brown egg with spots I was told and know now that she is a golden comet hen too! I'm extatic! Extra large eggs and a good hen that's laying!!
Great News! I couldn't be happier for you!!!
I'm g
There's a thread here somewhere of good shipping/packing practices. I've had good and bad experiences with shipped eggs. Most of the ones I've shipped have done fairly well. Good packing is a must, since the post office is a huge crap shoot on how they get handled.
etting some eggs on the 21st or so so I'll keep that in mind as to how best to ship them I'll probibly keep all the packing material and send her some eggs first
Congrats! It's Starting...
I love the brooder! I have had all of my ideas about what a brooder is "supposed to be" like, same with incubators. My favorites of both are the homemade ones. It takes such creativity and vision! I don't recognize, can you point out the heat source? are the 3 birds in the brooder in this pic?
Me like that brooder!
What's the difference between the powder I have and nutridrench?

I got the Nutridrench drops, and it's supposed to work quicker on weak chicks. Supposedly gets into their bloodstream faster. So I just give a straight drop or two to smaller or weaker ones.

And @dannyelle123 I've never heard that electrolytes shouldn't be given for more than 3 days. I used to use it for a week or two! Glad I didn't kill a bunch of chicks without knowing :/

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