Anyone interested in buying buff orpington ducks? We have breeding pairs and just wondered if I incubate some eggs someone "local" might be interested.
So I knew this day would happen, but it's still sad.
We live in Baltimore Co. On a 1/4 acre. Obviously we can't have chickens. Today we got a notice in the mail that they need to be gone by the 16th.
Trying to decide if I should hide them? As in just shut them in the coop fo about a week starting on the 16th? Find a neighbor with chickens they can shack up with? Or get rid of them all together?
Mlaw1981 sorry...that sucks. If it was me I would find a friend who can take them that way you can still see them. Hiding them won't work since they know you have chickens they will cont to check. Was it a neighbor who reported them or how did they find out you had them. If it was by a report or driveby then hiding them will def. not work and cause unneeded stress to your girls.
How many do you have? I had a single chicken for 10 years who came in if someone complained (long zoning story). I had a cage in the basement and she spent the winter there.

Could you get an exception if the neighbors signed a petition?
I have 4 chickens. We could house them in the garage, but that couldn't be a long term fix.
Our neighbors chickens are illegal too, it's just that their backyard is not visible from the street.

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