I'd love if you could get a copy of there ingredient list. Depending on what it contains I'd love to try some. Also price info would be awesome

Oh I'm interested as well! Also curious about pricing. Though having to pay the tolls to get to the Eastern Shore might not make it totally worth it :/
Here is his website he said it has a list of he general ingredients but he will be emailing me a complete list. He also uses kelp, can make soy free feed, or you can talk to him or email him the list of grains you want in your feed. For a custom mix order he likes it to be at least 500lbs to get a good mix.

His price per 50lbs is $16.50
Now THATS awesome! Def something id be interested in
here is what he sent in email.
Feed Calculator (Regularlayer, transitional with kelp meal)
Aragonite 175.00
Azomite 0.00
Nutri-Balancer (.024) 60.00 1.44
Kelp (.085) 20.00 1.70
Fish meal (.60) 25.00 15.00
Crab meal (.25) (*Not>2.5/100!*) 0.00 0.00
Cultured yeast (.18) 0.00 0.00
Flax seed (.22) 0.00 0.00

Grind/Whole portion:
Alfalfa meal (.17) 100.00 17.00
Corn (.09) 1130.00 101.70
Peas (.22) 0.00 0.00
Roasted Soy (.37) 390.00 144.30
Wheat (.15) 0.00 0.00
Oats/Barley (.11) 100.00 11.00

Total: 2000.00 0.160

he also orders other ingredients from
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That sounds really awesome, and super affordable which is nice. I would definitely have to request no soy. A friend of mine who hatches eggs found out recently that the eggs that she had been trying to hatch which were from chickens that were on a high-soy protein diet weren't making it out of the eggshells. I feed countryside organic grower feed and my eggs are almost always 100% hatch rate and the feed that I feed them contains no soy. After doing a little bit of research on soy it seems that it doesn't bode well for hatching eggs because they don't develop as well
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I was wondering if any one is willing any chickens right now. I'm looking for hens but will take a rooster if it comes with some hens. I'm looking fo cream legbars, Easter eggers, Polish(any kind), silkie(any kind), olive egger, or any other chicken that will lay a blue or green egg.
I was wondering if any one is willing any chickens right now. I'm looking for hens but will take a rooster if it comes with some hens. I'm looking fo cream legbars, Easter eggers, Polish(any kind), silkie(any kind), olive egger, or any other chicken that will lay a blue or green egg.

I have a hen for sale and a pullet as well. Both cuckoo marans
I have Young healthy roosters:

Buff Brahma Rooster purchased as a chick from on 4/28/15

Black French Copper Maran incubated and hatched here at my home on 7/11/15

White French Copper Maran incubated and hatched here at my home on 7/11/15

Marans would give you olive eggers if bred w/easter eggers or ameraucanas.

Please contact me if interested. Semper Fidelis

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