Hi ChickityChina!

I too have lurked and explored this site for several years. I recently retired and was considering moving to North Carolina, but I've decided to postpone that for a year, and so I plan to get my 4 hopefully all girls from a local farm supply store. The guy was very helpful when I called, and the store is local, not a chain store, and it has a great reputation. He said he'd even help me rehome if a chick turns out to be a rooster. We'll see. But I couldn't wait another year for chickens!

I actually completely cheated and ordered a large Formex Snap Lock coop and a 6X7 kennel run from Rural King last week. I would've liked to build one, but I worried I didn't have the skills to do it and didn't want to get stuck and not be able to finish it in time or properly. In addition, I wanted something lightweight that I could move or disassemble, if I do move someday. That's great that you and DH are making such great progress! I know that building one's own coop is much less expensive, and you can tweak to your liking. But I'm hoping this set-up will at least get me started. Then if I move, I can take it with me and use as a brooder and get a more permanent, larger coop. I'm a bit concerned since the Formex doesn't have any windows, but I'll see how things go. My main concern was keeping the girls safe from opossum and raccoons, since we have a lot of both in Anne Arundel County. I remember seeing "coon carnage" as I kid, and that image is still stuck in my head!

Anyway, only about 9 days to go! I have my cardboard brooder all set up and the Mama Heat Pad is ordered. I just need to make the "skeleton" to hold it. I have the heat lamp, but MHP sounded much "closer to nature." Until, then I'm reading, reading, reading!

Counting down the days!
Hi ChickityChina!

I too have lurked and explored this site for several years. I recently retired and was considering moving to North Carolina, but I've decided to postpone that for a year, and so I plan to get my 4 hopefully all girls from a local farm supply store. The guy was very helpful when I called, and the store is local, not a chain store, and it has a great reputation. He said he'd even help me rehome if a chick turns out to be a rooster. We'll see. But I couldn't wait another year for chickens!

I actually completely cheated and ordered a large Formex Snap Lock coop and a 6X7 kennel run from Rural King last week. I would've liked to build one, but I worried I didn't have the skills to do it and didn't want to get stuck and not be able to finish it in time or properly. In addition, I wanted something lightweight that I could move or disassemble, if I do move someday. That's great that you and DH are making such great progress! I know that building one's own coop is much less expensive, and you can tweak to your liking. But I'm hoping this set-up will at least get me started. Then if I move, I can take it with me and use as a brooder and get a more permanent, larger coop. I'm a bit concerned since the Formex doesn't have any windows, but I'll see how things go. My main concern was keeping the girls safe from opossum and raccoons, since we have a lot of both in Anne Arundel County. I remember seeing "coon carnage" as I kid, and that image is still stuck in my head!

Anyway, only about 9 days to go! I have my cardboard brooder all set up and the Mama Heat Pad is ordered. I just need to make the "skeleton" to hold it. I have the heat lamp, but MHP sounded much "closer to nature." Until, then I'm reading, reading, reading!

Counting down the days!

That's great! Personally, I prefer the face to face interaction with the people I am buying from too. Especially when it comes to live animals. And I love the friendly personal way the local stores treat their customers. I got mine from Bowman's in Westminster and they are so great!

Quite honestly, we almost went with a prefab coop too. We don't have much time on our hands. DH is working and in school full time and I am working full time and pregnant lol! We also have three kiddos already running around. So building a coop seemed like a crazy task. We tried purchasing a really nicely built one off of Craigslist, but the guy never showed up after two weeks of excuses. We just canceled that and decided to either buy a prefab and modify it to make it sturdier, or just build from scratch. Well, hubby is a DIY kinda guy (thank God) and he decided to make time for it.
We designed our own and are just getting it together now. It's been tough for us first time builders, but we are muddling through, haha! The prefabs are reaally cute though and I wouldn't have minded getting one of those anyways. They are generally small, but for four chickens, you won't have a problem finding one with enough room.

I remember the predators too. Ugh. A fox bit one of my cousin's chicken's heads off and it started running around without a head. I think that scarred us all for life lol. I am turning my coop/run into a chicken bunker for this reason.

I really love the MHP idea! I wanted to do that, but I already had the heat lamp and I knew my chicks would be out of my little brooder (aquarium tank) within a couple weeks. But I would have really liked to do that instead. Oh well. Maybe next time. (Did I just say that?!) Our six chicks are two weeks old now and have moved into the garage where I have them in a playpen with the lamp suspended from the ceiling. It gives them a huge area to run around in now, which I think they are really enjoying.
Hey everyone! I am in charles county! (Waldorf) and i was wondering, if I hatched some lavender orpingtons if anyone would be interested in the chicks?
Ashley, I would be interested in 2! We just lost our Heather to a hawk. This week we are installing a 50'x50' net to enclose the pasture. I have eggs getting ready to pip and hatch this weekend! I could possibly trade with you for an EE, CL, OE, depending on what hatches.

Yes! The buff is in the front, the lavendar is next to/right behind her.
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Ashley, Are yours English Orps?
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Ashley, I would be interested in 2! We just lost our Heather to a hawk. This week we are installing a 50'x50' net to enclose the pasture. I have eggs getting ready to pip and hatch this weekend! I could possibly trade with you for an EE, CL, OE, depending on what hatches.

Cream legbar? If so, then yes! I have been wanting a few of those hens. My mom is in Texas and wants some of those so badly too, but can't find them.


Yes! The buff is in the front, the lavendar is next toright /behind her.
Did that help?
Ashley, Are yours English Orps?

I honestly don't know. Im newer to the chicken world and didnt realize there is a difference. Im hatching a large batch to add to my flock but i dont want to keep too many, so I an add some later.
From what I've seen, these arent as big as the english orps.

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