That's funny   because I asked someone if they were on BYC trying to see if I could meet you!! I got there late and sold my chicks within minutes! I had one hatch out at 10 am. :barnie  So I couldn't open it until after it did. Sadly that meant the other 3 eggs likely won't hatch in the Brinsea bcs of losing all the humidity. :he  But it was a good sale. I was able to walk around at about 1 to see what was left. Hope you enjoyed it!

Glad to hear you had a successful sale; sorry about the hatch. I was mainly looking for a rabbit, and there were quite a few. But common sense dictated that I should build the hutch, THEN get the rabbit!
Glad to hear you had a successful sale; sorry about the hatch. I was mainly looking for a rabbit, and there were quite a few. But common sense dictated that I should build the hutch, THEN get the rabbit!
LOl. That is like getting chicks before building a coop! Good for you! Check the pound for rabbits when you are ready. I see many rabbits there when I go to mine. And now I know it wasn't you was walking around with had a small dog in her large hand bag carrying a rabbit she just bought.
I am sorry that is way too far. You are about 7 hrs away from me. I am willing to go as far as 25/ 30 miles. Thx for answering.
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