MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

Well I have at least 2 now, they look just the same and they're happier together in there. In a little while we will finish setting up the brooder for these guys, I do hope the rest hatch tomorrow!!!
She looks just like Sally!
Yep! Pretties!

It's not perfect, and my husband used up our pressure treated wood even tho I asked him not to. Have to do some framing for where the doors will be, and on the sides and then cut down the poles for the roof... and do the siding. I'm not sure we're gonna get it done lol.

Also, here's a breeding pen I'm almost done with (now). This was about half way done:

All that is left is installing the door, chicken wire, and some plywood for the "coop" area. It's total 4 x 4 x 12. Should house a trio/quad of LF nicely. I've been busy today lol.
Excellent! Nice work!

like watching water boil. On low. The watched pot right?
Nope and yep! I still can't get the Farm Innovators to maintain a steady temp and humidity. I put it to work a little bit ago trying to save a tiny little Silver Spangled Hamburg I got in a shipment of chicks today, but she died despite the Nutri-Drench, water, and extra warmth. So now I have to wipe it all down again with the disinfecting wipes. But that won't take long - peel the shelf liner out and toss it, toss the sponges and replace them, wipe everything down, the replace the shelf liner with new. Don't know if I'll even end up using this stoopid thing if it can't maintain but I'd rather have it in hot running standby.
Boo! Can't upload pictures on my phone
. Long day sanding floors and going to my previous year's students graduation. Got a good gift: two pips! Dumb phone won't let me upload the picture
Nope and yep! I still can't get the Farm Innovators to maintain a steady temp and humidity. I put it to work a little bit ago trying to save a tiny little Silver Spangled Hamburg I got in a shipment of chicks today, but she died despite the Nutri-Drench, water, and extra warmth. So now I have to wipe it all down again with the disinfecting wipes. But that won't take long - peel the shelf liner out and toss it, toss the sponges and replace them, wipe everything down, the replace the shelf liner with new. Don't know if I'll even end up using this stoopid thing if it can't maintain but I'd rather have it in hot running standby.

Sorry about the loss of the Silver Spangled Hamburg. Good luck with the incubator..

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